Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Progress Report for Mom

Sorry that my blog has been all about yard-work lately, but that is what we have been doing! I know it is not that thrilling, but my mom likes to see if I am working hard, or hardly working. :-)

So, here is the latest, Mom. . . . We ripped out that old rose bush, and some of the icky lavender, and we planted some Garden Mums -- to add some color. :-) Much better.
My major project this last Saturday was the Blue Spruce in the front yard. I could not take it any more! It was driving me crazy. So, while Charles spent the day sanding a desk (and I mean ALL day) I spent the day with a hand-saw chopping down branches, and scooping up bags and bags of icky pine needles! (Like 20 years worth!) I started by ripping out lots of random growth, and weird weeds, and plants, and I just went for it, and cleared it ALL out! It was a load of work! Daniel helped me by holding open the garbage bags, and I raked and scooped the mounds of needles. I then had to haul the branches and bags to the side yard -- now we have to do another dump run! It looks SO much better! The branches were all dead, and all the way down to the ground. I found dead birds, and spiders, and all sorts of fun things. Now you can walk under it, it is all clean, and we will grow grass!


I think the previous owners were all about letting nature happen? Rather than sculpting nature to be beautiful?

My bags and branches. :-) I did it all myself. My arms were numb on Sunday. :-) You can also see the bushes we had to cut way back, but they should grow in nicely.
No, I am not tan. I am dirty. Very nasty dirty.
Pictures do not do it justice. :-) It looks SO much better! I am glad I had guts to take it on!

Dad, this is your old desk that Charles is working on. He is sanding down every nook and cranny (with a power-sander), he is replacing the bottom of the drawers, filling in the cracks with some special puddy, and he will refinish it with something lovely. :-) It will have new life. I am excited to see the final product.
Here is a little friend that stopped by to visit. :-)

Fun times!


  1. You are amazing, Mari! Can't wait to stop by some day and check it all out first hand!!

  2. It looks lovely Mari! Very inspiring.

  3. From mom:

    Gimme five!!!! All I can say is WOW!! It looks great. I had a feeling that deep down there was a beautiful tree hiding. I also love the flowers. So nice to have that kind of color in the fall. Good work. Also, hard to believe that is the same desk. Can't wait to see the finished product.

    Love, Mom

  4. Wow, SO pretty! Your house has great curb appeal!



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...