Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Look Out Below!

We spent our Labor day performing hard-labor! We spent the whole day out in the yard -- front and back. We had a bunch of pruning, weeding, and tree trimming that needed to be done, and the weather was perfect -- so we went for it! Charles decided he would like an adrenaline rush, so he climbed the tree, with a chainsaw on a pole, and went to work. While he was up in the tree, I was calling our insurance company to raise our policy. :-) I tried to stop him, really. I did insist that we pray before he went up. :-) He is alive today.

Here is the Amazon, in our backyard -- quite the debris! We are borrowing a trailer to haul it all away. It was "fun" cutting it up with a saw and hauling it to the front yard.

It is hard to tell, but it is an amazing difference! Let there be light! The tree still provides lots of shade, but there is also sky! Awesome! I will get a better picture, later. Before Picture (when we moved in)
He climbed way higher than this, but I did not have a chance to grab my camera. I was too focused on his position -- so I could run over and catch him, if he fell! Yikes!
We were both very tired by the end of the night. But it felt good to get so many things done. We are just trying to prep for the Fall/Winter. It was about 70 degrees yesterday, and it was beautiful. Fall was in the air, and I loved it! I started collecting acorns today after my run. :-) What a beautiful time!

(Earlier in the week). . .This is a dorky little squirrel. The darn thing ruined my hammock that Charles got me when we were first married! Squeaky had better watch it, if he wants to live to squeak another day! The little rat!

1 comment:

  1. Look out Squeaky. I've seen what she does to spiders.

    Yard work: hard stuff but rewarding. Can't wait to see the results.
    Love, Mom



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...