Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mommy! Mommy! Daniel's Bleeding!

I was just going about my day, doing the routine -- as I normally do. I was sitting in front of the school, chatting with some friends, getting ready to go out for a long walk with a friend. Just a few minutes before the bell rang, Sammi came running from the playground over to where I was. She and her friends came screaming, "Daniel's bleeding! His mouth is bleeding!" I quickly jumped up to go find him, my friends stayed with William in the stroller. Sammi said the nurse had him, so that is where I ran to. When I opened the doors to the school, I could hear Daniel crying, loudly. I made my way to the nurse, and I found Daniel covered in blood. It was all over his arms, his clothes, his shoes. He ran to me and put his face on my shirt, which also became covered in blood. :-) I got him to breath and calm down, and I took a look inside his mouth. It was pretty nasty. The nurse said it was far beyond her -- that was pretty apparent.

I was told that Daniel was playing on a chain ladder on the playground, and his foot fell through an opening, and his mouth landed on the chain. (Ooowweee . . . shudder.)

So, we needed to make our way to the doctor. I took Daniel (holding gauze in his mouth) back to the stroller (to get William), and then I realized a few things. . .
1. Charles took the car
2. He also had William's car-seat in the car
3. I could not get a hold of Charles
4. I could not walk to the Urgent Care
5. I needed HELP!
6. I HATE needing help!
7. But I NEEDED help!!

The school nurse offered her car, but I just did not feel like borrowing a complete strangers vehicle (though I was considering it!) Anyhow, no transportation presented a HUGE problem. But, every morning we always pray for God to watch over us, and I was not left alone, or helpless. It just so happened that my friends were there, offering whatever help they could. My good friend, Erin (my hero) was going to volunteer in her son's class, but she quickly ran to cancel, and she loaded my family up in her car, and off we went to the Urgent care. THANK YOU FOREVER ERIN!!!

When we got to the Urgent Care, we had to wait for awhile, fill out some paperwork, etc. (don't you just love that!) I think, if there is blood -- they should be seen before someone who is sneezing! Anyhow, they got us in, looked at Dan, and said we would have to send him to an oral surgeon -- it was beyond them. That caused a bit of panic to wash over me. (You know, the suppressed kind that you smile through, that causes exhaustion later.) So, they called around to some offices, no oral surgeons were available -- except for a place an hour a way.

So, I called Charles and he (luckily) had nothing pressing for the rest of the day, he was able to come home, and be with us. He reminded me that we have certain insurance, and we have to go to a certain place. So we called that office, and they said, "bring him right in!" I totally spaced the insurance thing (our dental is different than our medical). In normal circumstances, I could have told you that! Anyhow, we went to the right office. We said a special prayer along the way.

They took Daniel back immediately, and the surgeon came to examine the situation. He was such a clean-cut nice looking man, it was comforting -- you never know! He said he had first-hand experience with this kind of thing (his daughter had a similar mouth injury, falling down the stairs). That put me at ease. He was confident that he could fix it.

Daniel was doing great, but he needed a little calming down at the beginning. He still had blood gushing, and now they were going to stick needles, where? So I stood at his head, and talked to him about breathing, and thinking about a happy place -- like Disneyland. I felt like a yoga instructor, but it really helped Daniel. You can reason with Daniel. He likes to just know what is going to happen, even in detail, and he seems good to go.

I stood there, determined not to leave Dan -- I was going to watch. (Charles was in the lobby with William). I was doing great, even when the doctor showed me how the skin on his gums moved up and down. (Total ick!) Then I was standing there, watching little Daniel's body lying so still, he was being so good. As the doctor continued on with the third stitch, something got to me and I felt a little dizzy -- so much so, that I had to walk away and sit down. Silly me, thinking I should watch. Daniel did awesome. He was only scared when they shoved the big needle in his mouth, after that he was good to go!

As we were getting into the car, Daniel said he got a string out of his mouth. He handed it to me, and I was pretty sure it was one of the stitches. So, before we even left the parking lot, we had to go back in. Sure enough, it was one of the stitches. He had to go back for more! They quickly replaced the stitch, and then we were finally off!

Daniel is doing great. He is suppose to stay home from school until next Monday. He can only eat soft food, so lunch would be tricky. He also needs to rest and heal, and stay calm for awhile. His little face is puffy, and his upper lip is swollen. But he has had very little pain since the stitches. I think he will be 100% in no time!

Earlier that morning (as I was making school lunches), I was thinking to myself, "Day-in and day-out, the same old routine." Well, FORGET THAT! HA! I will take the "same old routine" ANY day! Especially over that kind of excitement! Ahhh . . . the joys of a peaceful life!

(I know you will look anyway!) :-)

Pretty, huh? It still makes me shiver!


  1. I'm so glad he's ok. Our prayers of healing are with you and him. What a brave boy! Way to go Daniel. And, way to go Sammi for looking out for your brother on the playground. Oh Mari, what a day for you! I'm glad you kept praying. You can get through anything with prayer. I'm glad Charles was available to be with you. Yes, God did watch over you yesterday. He will always watch over you and your little one's. Keep up the great work as a mother. Your blog story was filled with love for your little boy. Thanks for being such a great example to me. Your mother's love is strong! I can always feel it when you write about your children.
    i love you

  2. I am glad everything worked out!

  3. Poor Daniel! Glad to hear that he is on the mend! It is so good to know that we are not really alone!



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