Thursday, September 3, 2009

Help Me!

With my Hair!

It is time for change, and I need help.
So I thought I would ask the audience . . .

Should I go super-short?? (hard to see picture, but you get the idea.)
Medium Short Medium Long

Or, keep it the same, super-long? (It is even longer now)
Really, my hair is for church. Every other day I sport the elegant pony-tail look. :-) Any advice? All lengths take the same amount of work. I am not sure if I am ready for super-short? Though I always like it when I do it! Hmmmmm. . . advice would be helpful. :-)


  1. chop it!!! if you're always happy when you do it then you can't go wrong!

  2. This one from Mom:

    Go medium, then you could still pull it back if you want to. (can always cut more off, hard to put it back on) If you cut a bunch off, see if they can arrange to have it used for a wig. You will look great however it goes.

  3. OK, so, we have: one short, one medium, and one long? That is helpful! Any tie-breakers??

  4. Super short! Shorter than you've ever gone...It's liberating! It will grow back but somehow I don't suppose all these opinions are very helpful:) Follow your heart, I guess.

  5. I agree with Mom. Start with medium. You can still pull it back and if you want to later, you can cut more off.

    I actually think you were beautiful with short hair. It is my favorite look! (You are beautiful with any length, I just like the short.)

  6. I agree with mom- especially if the ponytail is the everyday "do". :) You can still do mostly everything you can with super-long hair but it's not so heavy. . . . . . remember in high school when you used to get up before seminary and put your hair in hot rollers? hee hee Ah, good times!



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