Saturday, May 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Beppy!

Eternally 21!! :-) Happy Birthday Beppy! Hope your day is filled with joy and happiness!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Some Pictures from the Weekend

Here is a picture of Daniel and his friend that is a girl :-) Her name is Samantha. Every Sunday, Daniel waits for her to come to him, and then he takes her hand and leads her to Primary.
Two Samanthas. :-)
Playing at Samantha's house. We went there for dinner, it was a good time. :-)
The babies playing together
Just hanging out on the swing
Sammi is relaxing in the hammock. It is such a peaceful place to think. :-)
Daniel running around in the yard
William thinking, "Get me off of this green stuff!" Actually, he LOVES it!
Memorial day -- It has been a family tradition to go out to a place called Miller's in Houston, Alaska. They have the best ice-cream! Well, since there is not a Miller's here, we had to settle for Dairy Queen. :-)
William was upset he did not get his own. Actually, he was just really tired. :-)

Happy Birthday Kary and Ray!

Let the party begin . . . next week! HOORAY!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Video from Sammi's Program . . .

Here are some videos from the program. It was really hard to get a good view. We picked the worst place to sit! We were in the front, but in a spot where we could only see Sammi from the side. Oh well, the side of her face was still cute! :-) She was so thrilled about the performance. She said she only had two butterflies in her stomach, but they flew away. :-)

Sorry the video is so blurry. The lighting in the gym was pretty bad, and I was just too far away -- you get the idea though. :-)


Just a little clip of Sammi during her performance. :-) She was so excited about it. We even got her a special new pink (her favorite) outfit. One thing I realized was how calm she was compared to some of the other children. I then thought about how grateful I am for primary, and for the music that they learn, and perform, in their very young years. What a great thing! It was so fun to be there. Charles was there too. :-) She was thrilled to have him there! We all smothered her with hugs and kisses afterward. :-)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sammi's Music Program :-)

Here is Sammi walking in with her class.
Getting ready to perform
Sammi playing her instrument
Daniel found a friend. The special needs class came and sat right next to us. Daniel immediately sat by this cute boy and starting chatting with him. It was so cute. As soon as I pulled the camera out they both cheesed for me. :-)
The were all holding hands singing about how even though we are all different, we can all be friends. :-) It was cute!

The Internet

Last night we watched a show on PBS that talked about how the Internet has effected the lives of teenagers and the next generation. It was really interesting. They mostly pointed out all of the negative things associated with it. It was a really good, eye-opening thing to watch. I think ALL parents should be educated about the Internet, and the dangers that exist, and what their children are REALLY doing.

On the show they mostly focused on issues that exist on sites such as: MySpace, YouTube, and other on-line teen (and adult) outlets. It was astonishing to see what trouble the kids would cause, and get into. A common denominator was that the parents all let the kids have a computer in their room, and that most of the parents were oblivious to what their kids were doing. This next generation is so plugged-in, they are so aware of the technology, and many of the kids talked about "tricking" their parents by "bypassing" different safety devices set up on the computers. Smart kids, a little too smart!

I think computers are wonderful, just marvelous! I also know that what can be a splendid tool for good, can also be used as a tremendous tool for evil. After watching the show last night you could just feel the influence that the adversary has over so many aspects of the web. It can be a very overwhelming place, especially for children, who are unaware of the dangers that lurk. As parents, we need to be aware, be educated, be informed. Number one rule: Computer should be in a public place -- not bedrooms!

Anyhow, along those same lines, and with a positive view of the Internet . . . I love it! Yesterday, I was in need of powdered sugar, but I did not have any. So, I went to the Internet, did a Google search about substitutes for powdered sugar, and I discovered that you can actually make it yourself!! All you have to do is take your regular sugar, stick it in the blender, and blend it until it turns powdery! Amazing! I had NO idea! So, now if I ever run out (which I do often) I know what to do! Yes, the Internet is amazingly useful. I am so grateful for it! I use it all the time for recipes, medical information, church and spiritual information, bill paying -- just about a million things! I am so amazed at the technology!

So the Internet is good, and it is bad. Just as anything can be. Most good things can be twisted and corrupted. One day it will not be so, but here we are involved in earth-life, and that is part of the deal. We just need to do our best to sift through the crud -- the wheat and tares -- and pluck out the good, and cast out the evil!

I think it is very important to be careful with information, and what you share on the web. If you post something on a blog, or MySpace -- perhaps a confession to a DUI, or speeding, etc., it can be used against you in the Court of Law. :-)

Monday, May 19, 2008

A few weekend highlights . . .

Saturday -

  • At about 8:30, on Saturday morning, we decided to go for a long walk before the heat of the day -- which was about 95! We walked for about 3 hours, and it was such a lovely walk! What was funny was I actually felt more sore from walking than I do when I run?! It uses your muscles in a different way, and my bootie really felt it. When I say "walk" I mean like power-walking. It felt so great, and it was such a beautiful morning. It was nice to walk for a change!
  • Along the walk we saw a whole bunch of Canadian geese and their babies of all different sizes -- so cute! They were in a pond which is located in a beautiful neighborhood with willow trees, creeks, and the river. So pretty!
  • We also saw a peacock which lived in one of the yards of the fancy homes. It was so cool! It even fanned out it's feathers for us! The kids LOVED it! It was really a cool thing to see walking around. Who would have thought to have a peacock for a pet?
  • Along the way we saw people who were running a marathon (which I totally forgot about). It was so inspiring to see them! Our kids would clap and say, "Go number 5!" (or whatever the number was). It was so good for the kids to see. I felt so emotional watching them go by. I am determined now to train, and run a marathon -- perhaps this same one (the Potato marathon) next year. Plus, it is on a Saturday! YES! I felt so motivated by those running of all different ages, shapes and sizes. It once again confirmed to me that running is a mental battle -- just as much as it is physical! It was such a great thing to see. I was literally hiding tears behind my sunglasses as I would cheer for them going by. I am always amazed at the things a person is capable of. I knew what they were feeling (to a very small degree). I stood amazed and inspired!
  • We walked my normal running path, and I decided to wear the pedometer along the way. I discovered I have not been running just 6 miles, but more like 7-8 miles a day! What? I was wondering why it was taking me over an hour, and why it seemed SO long. So, if I just run my run about 3 times, I would have my marathon! Yikes! I think I could do it -- minus the double jogger! I am really starting to feel great, and the running is starting to feel a lot smoother. (You start enjoying it more as your bootie shrinks) ;-)

Sunday -

  • Sammi and Daniel had the talk and scripture and prayer for primary. It was so fun! Daniel actually wrote his own talk, and Sammi got to pick her scripture. They both did a great job. It is always so fun to watch!
  • I made chocolate marshmallow cookies for the first time in my life (family favorite). They turned out great! Though I ran out of powdered sugar and was low on frosting. The kids loved them, and Charles (who claims he had never tried them before) thought they were great! Yum! We then delivered them to a few families in the ward. Don't you just love it when people stop by with something yummy? :-)
  • We went for a drive back in the "mountains." It was so pretty, the hills are covered in yellow flowers, and the grass is still green, and the river is full -- very pretty! It was a fun drive. It was a HOT day!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Runner's World

This picture was taken back when I was pregnant with William. (Over a year ago!) I was able to run into about the 7th month! It was so nice! It always made me think of the ads they use to show in the magazine Runner's World. They would always have a picture of some "extreme" runner and their slogan was: "Runners, yeah, we're different." I always thought that a pregnant woman pushing a double-jogger would have been a great picture for that ad! I guess they thought a single-stroller was good enough! (as seen below) :-)

I have been running about 6 miles a day, Monday-Friday, for over a month. I was running consistently before that, just not quite as far. Now that the weather is nice, I crave it! I actually wake-up in the morning and WANT to go out into the beautiful day and go for my run! I am becoming a morning person -- who would have thought?! Anyhow, I drop Sammi off at school, and then off I go with the two kids. It is SO beautiful in the morning, it makes it so much more pleasant than running in the icky winter weather!

Running has been a great way to discover and appreciate my surroundings. And, FINALLY, I am seeing some pretty good results! Hooray! I am not very good at calorie-counting (and all that lame stuff) so my theory is: "If you work your butt off, then you work your butt off!" I know, profound! I do not want to base my life around "points" or numbers -- that would make me crazy! (Never done it!) I prefer to work so hard, that if I eat a "normal" amount of food (1-2 cookies, not 4-5!) then I can still get in good shape, and not be freaked-out about it. Also, exercise is such a great happy pill -- starving is NOT!! I have been around a lot of people who have been losing lots of weight, in a very short amount of time (they are basically starving themselves). I know as soon as they even look at a cookie -- they will pack it on again! I do believe you need to balance your intake of calories to the amount you burn, etc. That is really key. But starving, and depriving yourself -- it just does not work! Of course, I have never tried it?? :-)

During the summer, I am going to have all three kids with me when I run. My plan is to put them all in the stroller, until we get to the "trail" part of the run. The I will have Sam and Dan take turns running beside me. I had Daniel do it today, and he lasted for about a mile -- he did great! They LOVE to do it! It makes them feel really good! So, I am hoping to train my little ones and help them to become future "runners". I may not be able to provide a million extra-curricular activities (I would not -- even if I could!) but I can do EVERYTHING I can to help them with what I DO know! I think I may be able to turn out slightly well-adjusted children -- without having to be a crazy chauffeur-mom! Yeah!

That is all for now. I am really stinky and covered in dry-sweat. :-) I just finished stretching and thought I would write a little bit as I cooled off. I am ready for that lovely shower now! Nothing is better than a shower after a good, sweaty-nasty, work-out! :-)
Over and out!

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Mother's Prayer

This video is pretty raw (no special effects or time changes of the slides). I just wanted to see if I could get the program to work on the blog. :-)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to Grandma!

The kids thought they would sing a little song for Grandma. :-) Happy Grandma's Day! Just think Mom -- all these lovely people would not be here without YOU (dad helped too!!) :-) Thanks!

Just a side note . . . . . today at church ALL the men got up to sing Love at Home. It was SO cool! There were only women and children left in the congregation. :-) It sounded so great! It was a very sweet moment for the women. :-) I thought it was a great thing to do! I want it every year! Better yet, every Sunday! Yeah!

Friday, May 9, 2008

My Mother

When I think of my mother, I think of music. She has a gift, a special gift of music. She has passed her gift on to each of her children. A gift that we too can pass unto our children, and so on, forever! :-) When I think of my mother, I remember this song (see above video). Long ago, when she was in high school--she was the star of the play Calamity Jane. A role that she played so well! Or so I have been told, many times, by many people!

Now, moving forward a few years. I was riding with my mother who was driving a large, awkward, motor home (to Homer from Anchorage, a long drive). I was her co-pilot at the time. We were having a great time talking about the past and lots of interesting things. She then was at the point of crazy-tired and she decided to "wake-up" by singing at the top of her lungs. She sang "her" song. She sang Secret Love. I remember thinking, WOW!!! I always loved it when my mother would "jam-out" whether singing, and most especially--on the piano. She carries music with her, where ever she is. From Alaska to Samoa, and back again!

We would spend hours gathered around the piano, as a family, singing and singing. She has played for us on so many occasions -- I cannot possibly recall half of them! She has shared her talent most readily. She has NEVER hid it, or refused to share. She plays the piano for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE!!! She is such a treasure to our family, and to all who are showered by her sunshine!

I have a particular love for my mother. She has been an example of great steadiness in my life. She never "freaked out" or lost her cool. Yelling was not part of her mothering, rather, she used "looks". She was good at it too, and still is! She was the kind of mother who would say something like, "I am going to pull the car over if you don't stop" and then to the side of the road we would go! She said it, she meant it! She was always so strong, so positive, so loving. She has a grand capacity to love all. She was a mother to SO many children, besides her own. Our home was always filled with people, aunts, uncles, relatives, friends. She welcomed all, and treated everyone so well they always wanted more!

My mother loves teenagers. When other mothers would complain about "the teenage years" my mother would talk about how wonderful they were. She believed it too! She loved working with the youth. So many roadshows, productions, choirs, musical numbers. She was so involved with the youth, and she loved them, and they knew it. :-)

Now, while on a mission, the youth flock to her (and my father). They have adopted them as parents, as so many others have in the past. They are so loved, and I know they will be missed by their Samoan children. We are grateful to the "Samoan kids" for giving hugs and kisses in our absence! I know I am so looking forward to real hugs, rather than "SKYPE" conversations!!

My mother has often been accused of exaggerating stories. :-) For example: Let us say that she was out "whale watching" in Alaska. Perhaps, there may have been about 5 whales, on a cloudy day. Then it is my mothers turn to share the story. Suddenly, there were 100 whales--all jumping out of the water at the same time--while a super-nova occurred, and exploded directly above the ocean scene. (Okay, so I exaggerated her exaggeration, a bit.) Now, was she making her story up? NO! NO! I understand now, I really do. As a mother, I see things differently than I used to. I see magic! I see things that only a mother--full of excitement and dreams--could see! My mother does not see what a normal person might see--she sees MAGIC!! I love it! :-)

Mother, you are so dear to me. Now that I am a mother, I love you so much more, I appreciate you SO much more, and I adore you so much more! I will always be grateful to you for your example of motherhood, steadfastness, and strength. When I think of you, I think of strength and great courage. Never do I think of fear, or doubt. Thank you for being strong, for being fearless, for being "Mom!" It is the very best thing you have done, and will ever do! Thank you for being MY MOMMY!!! I LOVE YOU! I will do my very best to carry on the legacy of love that was created years ago, by the mothers before me. In the tradition of "Wee Granny" I will, "Keep my face toward Zion". "Zion" for me -- is family!

Happy Mother's Day MOMMY!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy Working Song

For those of you who can hear the background music (not sure if it works in Samoa?) This is my new favorite song from Enchanted. I sing it everytime I clean.:-) HA! Maybe if I sing out the window, and call for some animal friends to help me, my house could sparkle!! I am going to try it . . . Ahhhhhhaaahhhahh, AHaaaahhhaaaahh, Ahhaaahhhaaahhhhhhaaaaaa!!

One More Month!

Mom watching out the window (in Alaska) for the mailman to deliver their mission call
Mom and Dad received their call to Samoa!!
Dad and Mom before they left, with little baby Stephen (Kary's baby)
Dad as a Samoan Missionary
Mom as a Samoan babe :-)

I cannot believe my mom and dad will be back from their mission in about one month! It has gone by SO fast. Since they have been gone we have moved, had another baby, and started a new job. I think pretty much everyone in our whole family has moved and changed their lives in a pretty dramatic way, since they have been gone! We are SO excited to see them again. My kids can hardly stand it! This blog has been a fabulous way to stay in touch with them while they have been across the ocean. They have been able to see William (who they have not yet met) and watch him grow. What a great tool! I love my parents so much. I get little butterflies when I think about seeing them again! ONE MORE MONTH!!! HOORAY!!! I am ready for some Samoan love!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunny Sunday

Here is how our family "rolls". We need to get a "Wide Load" sign!
A pretty resting place. My favorite -- Weeping Willows, and water. I just love it! :-)
Sammi playing by the river
Daniel kept throwing rocks, and he almost got me in the head! We are working on aim!!
Mom and Daniel-Boy :-) Notice the flower in my hair. It was a gift from Daniel, and that is where he placed it. So sweet. :-)

The Three Geeks. :-) My older sister use to call us younger 3 children "the geeks". She even made a sign at YW's camp that said, "The Geeks Room". When we asked her what "geek" meant she said, "It means, I love you!" Thanks Kary!
I am ready for my year worth of hugs Grandma and Grandpa!! :-)
William says, "Yes master, what is thy bidding?"
Mom and Sammi-Sunshine

Mom and William Turner. My little Pirate is working on his fierce look. Argh! :-)

Lounging in the sun. Ahhh. . . this is the life!

Sammi is squeezing the love out of William :-)

Today was a beautiful day! We spent much of the day outside. It was just the perfect temperature! It was a lovely Sunday. We took a long walk down to the river, and threw some rocks in the water. We threw softly (of course) it was Sunday! :-) It was just such a lovely day to enjoy God's glorious creations! We walked and walked, and came home a bit crisp, but happy. :-)
Yesterday, Daniel had a heck of a day! First we decided to go to the school to let the kids ride their bikes. Charles tuned up their bikes and got them all ready to go. Sammi's bike was working great, but Daniel's bike was too small, and the chain kept falling off (time for a new bike). He was pretty sad about it. Then we got home and Sammi and Daniel decided to swing on the hammock on our back deck. They are not actually suppose to swing on the hammock, but the so enjoy it! Anyhow, as Daniel was swinging, his bottom hit the deck, and so he came inside. He was crying, softly. Then he went in his room to change and he really started crying and saying he could not sit down. I went in to examine the problem (on his bottom) and I found that he had an extremely large splinter -- in his butt! OUCH! He was brave, but crying in pain. We tried our best to get it out, but there was no success. It had gone straight through his shorts, underwear, and deep under his skin! Weird! So, after reminding Charles (who had needles and tweezers in hand) that he is a doctor of law, and not a doctor of medicine -- we decided we had better find an Urgent Care, and get Dan some medical ass-istance. ;-) So, off Dan went with Charles to visit the doctor. When they returned home Daniel had Dairy Queen in hand, and a tube with his splinter. I was told they had to numb his bottom, and then cut the splinter out. Fun! Luckily, Daniel is tough, and proving to be our most medical-attention-inclined child! Sheesh!
Besides all of that silly business, we are all very well. We are loving this Spring. It has been a long time coming!
Lots of love!


It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...