Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Internet

Last night we watched a show on PBS that talked about how the Internet has effected the lives of teenagers and the next generation. It was really interesting. They mostly pointed out all of the negative things associated with it. It was a really good, eye-opening thing to watch. I think ALL parents should be educated about the Internet, and the dangers that exist, and what their children are REALLY doing.

On the show they mostly focused on issues that exist on sites such as: MySpace, YouTube, and other on-line teen (and adult) outlets. It was astonishing to see what trouble the kids would cause, and get into. A common denominator was that the parents all let the kids have a computer in their room, and that most of the parents were oblivious to what their kids were doing. This next generation is so plugged-in, they are so aware of the technology, and many of the kids talked about "tricking" their parents by "bypassing" different safety devices set up on the computers. Smart kids, a little too smart!

I think computers are wonderful, just marvelous! I also know that what can be a splendid tool for good, can also be used as a tremendous tool for evil. After watching the show last night you could just feel the influence that the adversary has over so many aspects of the web. It can be a very overwhelming place, especially for children, who are unaware of the dangers that lurk. As parents, we need to be aware, be educated, be informed. Number one rule: Computer should be in a public place -- not bedrooms!

Anyhow, along those same lines, and with a positive view of the Internet . . . I love it! Yesterday, I was in need of powdered sugar, but I did not have any. So, I went to the Internet, did a Google search about substitutes for powdered sugar, and I discovered that you can actually make it yourself!! All you have to do is take your regular sugar, stick it in the blender, and blend it until it turns powdery! Amazing! I had NO idea! So, now if I ever run out (which I do often) I know what to do! Yes, the Internet is amazingly useful. I am so grateful for it! I use it all the time for recipes, medical information, church and spiritual information, bill paying -- just about a million things! I am so amazed at the technology!

So the Internet is good, and it is bad. Just as anything can be. Most good things can be twisted and corrupted. One day it will not be so, but here we are involved in earth-life, and that is part of the deal. We just need to do our best to sift through the crud -- the wheat and tares -- and pluck out the good, and cast out the evil!

I think it is very important to be careful with information, and what you share on the web. If you post something on a blog, or MySpace -- perhaps a confession to a DUI, or speeding, etc., it can be used against you in the Court of Law. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I know! It is so scary! We have already made some family rules pertaining to such things when the kids are older: No child will have their own cell phone. No TV or Computer in their rooms. We will also study up on any video games they want to play. Michael is a big gamer, so he knows about all of that. Our computer will be in the most used room of the house, veiwable to all. (right now it's in my room due to lack of space).

    It is insane what you can send through your phones now too. Disgusting photos, and videos of anything. They even send porn through cell phones! Yes, I'm worried, but Michael did enough bad things growing up to know if our kids are doing anything bad. (he grew up in Seattle, and didn't become a member until his 20's) I'm lucky to have a computer wiz as a spouse too!!! He is quite a tech geek-hahaha! Yes, scary, scary stuff out there for our innocent children to see! Sometimes I feel like the world's only stricked mother when I hear about what other children are allowed to do... or left home to do by themselves. I guess we should feel good about our rules because I think our kids will definitely benefit from our good rules!



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