I have been running about 6 miles a day, Monday-Friday, for over a month. I was running consistently before that, just not quite as far. Now that the weather is nice, I crave it! I actually wake-up in the morning and WANT to go out into the beautiful day and go for my run! I am becoming a morning person -- who would have thought?! Anyhow, I drop Sammi off at school, and then off I go with the two kids. It is SO beautiful in the morning, it makes it so much more pleasant than running in the icky winter weather!
Running has been a great way to discover and appreciate my surroundings. And, FINALLY, I am seeing some pretty good results! Hooray! I am not very good at calorie-counting (and all that lame stuff) so my theory is: "If you work your butt off, then you work your butt off!" I know, profound! I do not want to base my life around "points" or numbers -- that would make me crazy! (Never done it!) I prefer to work so hard, that if I eat a "normal" amount of food (1-2 cookies, not 4-5!) then I can still get in good shape, and not be freaked-out about it. Also, exercise is such a great happy pill -- starving is NOT!! I have been around a lot of people who have been losing lots of weight, in a very short amount of time (they are basically starving themselves). I know as soon as they even look at a cookie -- they will pack it on again! I do believe you need to balance your intake of calories to the amount you burn, etc. That is really key. But starving, and depriving yourself -- it just does not work! Of course, I have never tried it?? :-)
During the summer, I am going to have all three kids with me when I run. My plan is to put them all in the stroller, until we get to the "trail" part of the run. The I will have Sam and Dan take turns running beside me. I had Daniel do it today, and he lasted for about a mile -- he did great! They LOVE to do it! It makes them feel really good! So, I am hoping to train my little ones and help them to become future "runners". I may not be able to provide a million extra-curricular activities (I would not -- even if I could!) but I can do EVERYTHING I can to help them with what I DO know! I think I may be able to turn out slightly well-adjusted children -- without having to be a crazy chauffeur-mom! Yeah!
Running is fun! that's what I use to tell your Sammi Sunshine when she was little. Now, I tell that to Stephen. He loves to run too. It's so fun to watch him swing his legs side to side as he toddles along.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are converted to running Mari. I look forward to the day when I can turkey trot again. : ) I really feel that after this pregnancy, my body will be ready to run. I've had to be patient in affliction, but we can overcome setbacks and arise stronger if we press and I mean PRESS forward!
Keep pressing on Mari. I am so proud of you for sticking w/ it. Just know though, that one day....I will run in front of you again. Can you feel the competitive spirit kicking in? : ) Catch me if you can! : )
I'm going to look for your He Came for me performance on your blog. I remember you posted it once and I'll see if it's meant to be used in my lesson. We'll make it work.
That is great Mari!!! I'm a huge walker, can't quite get enough drive to run yet-hahaha! But I always think about it-hahahaha. I do, however, try to be as brisk as I can. I'm the same way about diets too- I love food and will never deprive myself of wonderful meals, but that just means I'm going to have to work harder to stay fit.
ReplyDeleteAnd Calvin is developing some nice kid leg muscles from walking long distances with me (he would rather walk then sit in the stroller). I love morning walks in the summer, with the sun and birds! It's just wonderful and calming. I do mosst of my deep thinking on long walks. Yes, I would love to run too...maybe I'll start this week!! You have inspired me yet again-hahaha!!!
You are awesome! I really need to change my attitude about running. I know it would really halp me. I just keep trying to get out and walk every day.
ReplyDeleteLots of love!!