Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Some Pictures from the Weekend

Here is a picture of Daniel and his friend that is a girl :-) Her name is Samantha. Every Sunday, Daniel waits for her to come to him, and then he takes her hand and leads her to Primary.
Two Samanthas. :-)
Playing at Samantha's house. We went there for dinner, it was a good time. :-)
The babies playing together
Just hanging out on the swing
Sammi is relaxing in the hammock. It is such a peaceful place to think. :-)
Daniel running around in the yard
William thinking, "Get me off of this green stuff!" Actually, he LOVES it!
Memorial day -- It has been a family tradition to go out to a place called Miller's in Houston, Alaska. They have the best ice-cream! Well, since there is not a Miller's here, we had to settle for Dairy Queen. :-)
William was upset he did not get his own. Actually, he was just really tired. :-)


  1. Fun stuff!! Looks like you had an awesome weekend!!

    Lots of love!

  2. Cute pictures! I'd take DQ over many other kinds of icecream-hahaha! What a fun tradition...if you were still in AK. I love passing on, or modifying family traditions to our kids. It keeps me close to my family, even though I live far away from them.



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...