Friday, March 2, 2012

Baby Henry Status

Just a quick baby update:
We had another specialized ultrasound today.
(Specialized = EXPENSIVE!)

  • Henry has 3 kidney's. The extra one is attached to one of his regular kidneys
  • He has an extra tube running from the third kidney down to the bladder
  • The bladder has a cyst in it because of the extra kidney/tube
  • Chances of surgery are likely, but there is a possible chance it could correct itself
  • We will not know if the kidneys improve, or work properly, etc. until after birth when he will have some special testing done.
  • For now we go in to check amniotic fluid, regularly. Levels need to stay high -- not drop low.
  • Right now his amniotic fluid looks good, even excessive (I am extra-bloated because of it, yea!)
  • They will monitor baby/fluid closely. If fluid levels drops early, baby needs to come out early
  • Meanwhile . . . we wait. :-)

That is all we know for now. I still have two months left until I am due, but I feel ready to give birth tomorrow. This has been the hardest pregnancy for me. I think it has to do with the underlying stress of knowing something is wrong. I try to ignore that fact as much as I can, but it is still there -- in the back of my mind. Even though the complication is fairly "minor" it still causes some concern.

Anyway, that is it for now. I am feeling (and looking) nice and chubby, my groin is in all sorts of pain most of the time, and it is worse after walking. Dang it. Oh well . . . may the next few months fly by quickly! I am dying to move my body again!


  1. Mari I'm so sorry man. It sucks to feel like this.
    I wish I could do something but can barely walk myself.
    I hope things go well for Henry and he heals on his own.

  2. Love you Mari and I hope the next few months go fast for both of us.

  3. I hope and pray that everything works out and that he is born healthy and happy. Hang in there!



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