Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Family Search Indexing

Our ward has accepted the challenge to index 10,000 names in the month of March. (It is basically data-entry -- reading handwritten census info, death certificates, etc., and getting them ready for computer use.) At first I thought this sounded a little crazy, the number seemed a little high. So I decided I better be a part of it! :-) I have been doing indexing for 2 days and I am at 300 names so far . . . only 700 more names to reach my goal. I think I may have to set my goal a little higher? 10,000 names in a month, by the whole ward -- piece of cake!
Anyhow, if you can -- you should do it, too. It is awesome. Any little bit helps. Take a little of the time you use browsing facebook, or pinterest, or blogs, and help to save a soul, or two . . . or a thousand . . . or more. You want more friends -- here is one way to get them!

I say this a lot, but I think most people hear about family history and think it is that "one more thing" that is just too much. Well, I disagree. I totally disagree. I know that if you become involved in family history work you will have strength beyond your own to accomplish the things you need to do, and would like to do. I know this from personal experience. You will have people beyond the veil who will "have your back" or be at your side when you need them. Family History gives you POWER. You don't want to miss out on it, I assure you. If you want to feel a greater depth and meaning to life -- reach beyond that of your own. It does not even have to be your own family . . . we are ALL connected.

To get started with Family Search Indexing go to:

Find the "Indexing" tab and follow the instructions.

You will need to download the program on your computer but that took about 2-5 minutes to do. There are how-to videos (really short ones) and then you can just go for it. Make sure and set your goal number and watch your number go up as you do more entries -- it becomes a fun challenge. You can do it on your phone, your laptop, whatever . . . it is ideal for my pregnant self. I can sit on the couch and really go for it. Of course, if you need help -- let me know!

I have had many blessings throughout my life that talk about me being a good missionary. As far as I know, I have never converted one living soul to the gospel. I am just not that good with people, I guess. HOWEVER, since beginning family history work, I have been able to do work for hundreds (if not more) of the souls of God's children. Whether or not they accept the gospel beyond the veil is totally up to them . . . but I have felt special confirmations that many of them have, and are extremely grateful. It has been an awesome experience.

Life is all about family.

Family that has gone before, and family yet to come. There is a great sense of peace that comes when you know who you are. Family History work is the great work of the Latter-days. There has been a HUGE push lately to do the work, with amazing strides forward, making tremendous things possible, and making it so easy for everyone to participate.

We live in trying times, no doubt. I think we could all use a little more power to deal with the trials of the day. Our ancestors are always with us, no matter what we face -- kind of like in Harry Potter . . .

But they are closer to us, when we draw closer to them. You CAN feel them. I know it.

This is our work to do. This is our time to do it.
“Behold, the time has fully come, which was spoken of by the mouth of Malachi—testifying that he [Elijah] should be sent, before the great and dreadful day of the Lord come—

“To turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers, lest the whole earth be smitten with a curse—

“Therefore, the keys of this dispensation are committed into your hands; and by this ye may know that the great and dreadful day of the Lord is near, even at the doors” (D&C 110:14–16).

So sign-up and make it happen! There is a great source of power to tap into. Don't miss out!


  1. i think this is a fantastic ward project...can't wait to see how it all goes and to personally be a part of it!

  2. Wish your blog had been up just a little sooner...could have used it tonight in our Family History Presentation. Next time. Thanks for taking the time for indexing and for taking the time for this post.


  3. OK...the Harry Potter reference is funny. Thanks for the how-to post!



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...