Wednesday, February 8, 2012


The following thoughts and comments are on a delicate subject, not suitable for children. Also, I am not a politician, a professional writer, a journalist, nor do I claim to be important in any way. But I do have a voice. And I will lift my voice -- every now-and-again -- when I feel something is important. The views I express are my own.

I am disappointed. I am disappointed that the votes of a few over-threw the votes of the millions. I am disappointed that it seems society at large is beginning to accept wrong as right and right as wrong. I am disappointed that the media has so much influence on the actions of the people. I am concerned that so many people have become detrimentally desensitized to whether something is right, or wrong. I am extremely concerned for our country, for our freedoms (especially freedom of religion), and I am saddened by the degradation of morals in our society -- and in the world.

Yes. I am talking about Gay Marriage. Controversial, I know.

I feel like sin is now sugar-coated. I sense that because of mass amounts of "positive" exposure, information, and entertainment in the media -- through TV, movies, ads, facebook comments, pinterest posts, etc., etc., so many people have become complacent on the issue. After being fed a steady stream of poop in their sugar-coated pie, they don't realize that the poop is even there. They do not care anymore. It does not matter to them. You can't even taste it. Perhaps some sit in a "gray area" unsure of what is right and what is wrong -- in regards to the Gay Marriage issue. Slowly all of these messages creep-in, and over time some find themselves wondering, "is it really wrong?" And in the gray, is where they'll stay.

I am afraid I have never been much for fence-sitting, or dwelling in the gray area. To me there is right, and there is wrong. (Let me make it clear, I am not perfect in the execution of right and wrong, but I TRY to do what is right!). I believe there is a right and a wrong, because I believe in something. I believe in God. I believe God has a plan for his children and that plan is Father, Mother, Children . . . continued throughout eternity. As you know I am a family history nut, take a look at a pedigree chart . . . Father, Mother, Children is how it is meant to be -- forever. It is a perfect and beautiful plan. It is meant for everyone. I know it is true.

I recognize that not everyone believes in something. It is becoming more and more common for people to walk away from religion because they just want to live their own life, and do their own thing -- without restrictions, rules, regulations. To think that freedom exists without rules is folly. And because God is a God of order, rules, and law . . . we have certain commandments in place. And those commandments, believe it or not -- are for our happiness! He wants us to be happy! Following the rules makes you happy? YES!!!

But, this world is fraught with evil, we all know that. The adversary weaves his web of sin with skill, always looking for new prey. There are temptations so varied, so horrific -- the list is endless. The consequences to succumbing to temptation are severe, and painful. Same-gender attraction is one of those temptations. It will never lead to happiness. Pleasure for a time, maybe -- but never, ever, true and lasting happiness. It is NOT part of the plan. It is a temptation created by the adversary to keep one FROM the plan.

Temptations are meant to be alluring, enticing, attractive -- appearing good and desirable. But "all that glitters is not gold" . . . as anyone who recognizes they are caught in a web will tell you.

I am very concerned with the decisions of our elected officials, and I am also concerned with the voice (or lack there of) of the people. This is NOT a civil rights issues. This is an issue about life-style choices. If those in power are not careful we will soon be living under the "anything goes" law. Whatever you choose to do, however you want to live -- just go for it. That would be truly scary. We are walking ever closer to that carnal concept.

I find it interesting that my pioneer ancestors were persecuted in this country for practicing a principal of their religion, Polygamy. My great, great, great, great, Grandfather was imprisoned for practicing his religious beliefs -- he had to split up his family, he was forced to build an extra home for one of his wives and children to live in. This was a common occurrence amongst those who practiced polygamy. Freedom of religion? They did not have it. This was not too long ago, in our country.

And now, here we are . . . discussing laws and rights for people of the same gender to marry? You cannot practice a religous principle, like polygamy, but men can marry men, and women can marry women? Interesting. How backwards is society? If anything goes in our country . . . if you can marry whomever you choose . . . and do whatever you want, then why NOT polygamy? Why not more than one husband? Or both? Or whatever it is that suits your desires . . . why have any rules at all?

*I want to make it CLEAR that polygamy was discontinued long ago, and is no longer practiced as part of the LDS religion. (Thank goodness, I am way too selfish!) It was a principal put into place by revelation, and was taken away in like manner. Polygamy is not a hard thing to understand if you understand the pioneers and their lifetime. It was not an easy commandment for them to embrace, and many could not handle it. Mormons were extremely persecuted for their beliefs and religion -- in a country that claimed to allow religious freedom. Practicing their religion did not warrant going to prison, splitting up families, and often death. The Mormon Pioneers were treated wrong.

The concept of right and wrong in society seems SO distorted when viewed in the light. All I am saying is that it sure seems strange that polygamy (which was a religious practice, that should have been protected) is viewed as wrong, when gay marriage (a lustful, lifestyle-choice) is being made to appear right. Oh the web . . . the sticky web. The craftiness of men. The best way to keep people from doing anything is confusion. It seems to be working.

This topic (gay rights, etc.) makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. I have dealt with this issue since high school. My best friend's father had an affair, filed for divorce, and the following day she announced that she was interested in girls. We parted ways and from then on she walked the halls hand-in-hand (amongst other gestures) with a girl. It was heart-breaking to observe her actions, she was my best friend! In high school, I also tried to fight against the formation of a Gay-Straight-Alliance club, but to no avail. I did not know how politics worked -- all I had at the time were strong feelings, and that was not good enough. Even then, in my youth, I knew it was wrong.

I wanted to add a quote by Spencer W. Kimball, he was our prophet a few generations back. I just love his straight-forwardness. That is how I like it -- just tell me how it is!

It is an excerpt from The Miracle of Forgiveness written back in 1969:

All such deviations from normal, proper heterosexual relationships are not merely unnatural but wrong in the sight of God. Like adultery, incest, and bestiality they carried the death penalty under the Mosaic Law.

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death . . . .

And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye slay the beast.

And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death . . . . (Lev. 2-:13, 15-16.)

The law is less severe now, and so regrettably is the community's attitude to these grave sins--another evidence of the deterioration of society. In some countries the act per se is not even illegal. This "liberalizing" process is reflected in the United States by communities of homosexuals in our larger cities who demand acceptance of their deviate beliefs and practices as "normal," who sponsor formally organized, and who even print their own perverted journals. All this is done in the open, to the detriment alike of impressionable minds, susceptible urges, and our national decency.

But let us emphasize that right and wrong, righteousness and sin, are not dependent upon man's interpretations, conventions and attitudes. Social acceptance does not change the status of an act, making wrong into right. If all the people in the world were to accept homosexuality, as it seems to have been accepted in Sodom and Gomorrah, the practice would still be deep, dark sin.

Those who would claim that homosexual is a third sex and that there is nothing wrong in such associations can hardly believe in God or in his scriptures. If God did not exist, such an unnatural and improper practice might be viewed differently, but one could never justify it while accepting the holy scriptures.

-End Quote

I feel strongly about this issue now. I want it to be known that I do not hate the sinner -- just the sin . . . for are we not all sinners? I will not throw stones, but I will stand up for truth. I am not narrow-minded, or intolerant of others and their "diversity" -- I love all of God's children (some more than others). But God's children make mistakes (we ALL do!), often they make poor choices . . . even choices that affect the whole of society -- choices that I cannot condone as right. With that being said, I know that gay marriage is wrong. It is wrong. And no amount of law, and acceptance by the people, or by society -- will ever make it right.

I support traditional marriage. I believe in the sanctity of families. I believe in Father, Mother, Children. I believe that the family needs to be protected, now more than ever before. Of course, the best way to do that is in your own home. But every now and then, you need to raise your voice, you need to get off the fence, arise out of the gray area, and you need fight for what if right!

There may come a day when you will have to know where you stand . . . it may come soon.


  1. You are ARE a writer.

    Amen, daughter.

    Love you...Maridyth.


  2. This is such a touchy subject, I would have expected you to have received 20+ hate comments.

  3. Katie, I don't think I have that many readers! And yes, it is a touchy subject . . . but I am afraid if everyone is too scared to discuss it -- in a calm and rational way -- then the louder, more forceful voice will win . . . despite what the majority of people truly want or believe. But this is me talking. I believe that "there is some good in this world, and it is worth fighting for"! The "good" I believe in is FAMILY.

  4. we'll have to talk in person about this one. i fully agree and there is so much more to discuss about it!!!

  5. VOTE for Mari van Ormer for President! You go girl! Watch out Romney, you've got more competition. : ) I love that you are willing to share your voice Mari. Keep it up. Well done.



  6. Well said.
    And thanks for posting.

  7. I saw this post through Katie's blog. I just want to thank you for standing up for what is right, for having the integrity and courage to live what you believe. In this gray world I am glad to know there are still some of us who believe in black and white terms. :)



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