Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sick and Stuff

OK, so I was not trying to be a bummer in my last post or anything -- but I have really been feeling low lately. A weird low. More than pregnant/stress/whatever low. Last night, I noticed my throat was sore, and today, I am not feeling so hot. I think I am sick. And I am OK with that. I can own sickness, and deal with it. I am just sick . . . not grumpy/lazy/poopy for no reason. I will be sick, I will get better, and I will move on. :-) No more on that lame stuff.

On another note . . . my sister, Kary, updated her blog, and she is going to be more consistent in updating it from now on. Right, Kary? RIGHT. Go to: She is my sister and she is awesome. If you want to know more about Alaskan life . . . she lives it!

Also, if you have a blog, then I HIGHLY encourage you to update it more often than just once a month/year! Just remember blogging is not all about the comments and whether or not you think people are reading. It is a history of your life, your family, and it is a fantastic way to document life and time. I have been blogging for almost 6 years now, and I love it. Before blogging I kept a journal with pen and paper, almost daily -- so it was a natural move for me. Now I just need to start printing off my blog to book and I will be good to go!

And one more thing . . . I recently read a blog of a woman who has thousands of followers. This particular woman (a mother) had a very negative tone, she was very pessimistic about life, and even God. And yet, she attracts SO MANY to read her thoughts and words, daily. She even makes money off of her blog -- quite a bit of money. I left her blog feeling saddened and not uplifted, at all. Her blog makes you feel like it is OK to be bummed-out and lame all the time. It got me thinking . . . I may not have thousands of people who read my words and thoughts, likely I have just a handful of readers -- but if only ONE person is uplifted by anything that I say, than it is worth it. I have determined that it is far better to uplift the one . . . than to depress the thousands.

I want to spread that thought to everyone who has a blog. Use it for GOOD. Use it for THE ONE. (You never know who that might be!) You don't have to be fake, or perfect, or glamorous (I hate reading those blogs), just be YOU. Be honest in what you write. Share your feelings. Share your life and let it uplift others. I have personally been deeply impacted by some of the thoughts and feelings that I have read over the years. Sometimes I have even changed my life because of a quote, a poem, a song, a life-story, even a simple thought. You never know what power you have for good. To possibly change a life? That is powerful!

I do believe that in each of us there is a light to share. And I mean in EACH OF US! That means YOU! Hiding that light does absolutely no good. Sharing your light could make all the difference to someone, somewhere . . . it is worth it. So get writing people . . . someONE is waiting!

Forget facebook (which is there one day and gone the next, and is generally depressing and a bunch of garbage, anyway!), and get back to blogging!

*Note: I use facebook for one thing . . . to send people to my blog. :-)


  1. I'll commit to do better than once a year........promise.

  2. I feel like I need to defend myself. People have different reasons for blogging--not everyone does it in a journal-y kind of way. I did it for my own enjoyment, because I enjoy making people laugh. So when I felt like I wasn't making people laugh any more, it wasn't enjoyable for me and therefore lost its purpose. I don't feel like I'm giving up some noble cause--it never was noble for me! You enjoy the writing and recording for itself, so of course you're going to keep going. But not everybody enjoys it for those reasons, so they're allowed to bow out when the reasons they enjoyed it aren't there anymore. I don't see anything wrong with needing comments to keep going. That's the whole advantage of blogging over keeping a private journal.

    Also, I think Facebook fills in for blogs for a lot of people. Light is shared there, not just garbage. That's where I post all my pictures and news items and insights into my soul. They're short, but still valuable. I would LOVE to see my great-great-great grandmother's facebook page if she'd had one! Or Brigham Young's page! Or Adam's! My descendants are going to be DELIGHTED that I left that record behind for them. And with the new timeline layout, it really IS a record. If you don't believe me, scroll down and check me out in 2005!

    I do write down personal and spiritual things in other places. I guess what I'm trying to say is: Blogging isn't a moral obligation. You didn't say it was, I know. But I've felt like a couple people have implied that since I stopped, so I wanted to contribute a few paragraphs in defense of myself and people like me.

    Take that.

  3. Wow, Dani. Perhaps you should have attacked Melissa and not me? She's up for it, I am sure. I'm a lover, not a fighter. :-)

    I was not referring to you bowing out of your blog by any means. I know blogging is not for everyone . . . it just seems like so many people are leaving blogging for things that are "faster" and less personal. It makes me sad.

    There is no moral obligation to have a blog, or a detailed record of life -- I just think they are fantastic and I love reading blogs 100 times more than one-liner comments on facebook. But remember, I am a people-watcher -- so the more details, the better! I also love it when people get really personal, but that is not for everyone, either. I get that. I also love family history, and I love to see others getting into it too.

    I've just noticed that people have lost interest in blogs in general. I also think a lot of people bail because they get 0 comments, and they feel like no one cares. All I'm saying is comments are not everything -- there are other, even greater reasons to blog. Some of my favorite blogs are 0 comment blogs.

    After seeing the books Melissa printed off of her family blog, I am hooked even more. The books are amazing. Family history with text, color pictures, in a book -- I love it. Facebook is grand and everything, but it is just not the same. And maybe it is just my "friends" but I get A LOT of garbage mixed with a little light. I rarely feel better after scrolling facebook. Maybe I need new friends. :-)

    Anyhow, you did a lovely job defending yourself and others, and you made me laugh at the same time.

    I will miss reading your blog. I really will. I hope you can still love me even though I love blogs and you don't. :-)

  4. I totally agree with you about facebook. Thanks for the motivation...I use to blog daily but have got into a rut (or maybe Pinterest has taken over that time).



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...