Thursday, January 26, 2012

Apple Cider Vinegar

I have recently discovered the miracle of Apple Cider Vinegar. I am sure there are thousands of uses for the stuff, but in my home I have used it for a few things, with great success.

The other day, I was scrubbing the toilet -- using a Lysol product. It was not working. There were still stains and crud, that would NOT come off. I went to the Internet to research vinegar products (because I know vinegar is AWESOME!). I read that if you pour Apple Cider Vinegar in the toilet and leave it there overnight -- the crud should wipe right off.

I happened to have Apple Cider Vinegar, so I gave it a try -- but I did not wait all night. I just waited a few hours. And miracle of miracles -- it WORKED! It got the nasty brown crud out of the toilet! Hooray! I was SO HAPPY and EXCITED I did a yea dance! I thought the build-up would never go away.

If you have a nasty toilet . . . give it a try! (Obviously, it cannot remove damage, just crud.) But it worked fantastically for me!

Another use for Vinegar:

(I used White Distilled in this case, but Apple Cider should work -- it is all about acidity)


This was a miracle discovery from about 3 years ago. Daniel had really bad warts on his fingers. He would suck on the ends of them, keeping them moist, allowing the warts to fester and grow.

So, we would dab vinegar on his warts, and then put a little vinegar on band-aides, which he would wear day-in and day-out for 2 weeks. (The vinegar should be on the warts at ALL times.)

After just a few days you could see the warts "dying". He said it burned a little bit, and that is normal. I admit, it was kind of awesome to see them turning black and rotting away. After about a week and a half or so . . . they were completely GONE! However, we kept putting the vinegar on for about a week or more after, to make SURE and kill the root of the problem.

It was SUPER! I was SO HAPPY! And so was Daniel . . . no expensive doctor visits, just $3.00 worth of vinegar and a box of band-aides.

In the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the dad recommends "Windex" for everything . . . in our house it is Vinegar! Seriously, if you have weird things that need fixing, look into it . . . Vinegar just might be your answer!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the tip Mari. I'm excited to try vinegar in the toilet. I know the 'crud' you're talking about.

    Does it work for wrinkles? : )




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