Monday, July 26, 2010

No More Elders Quorum!

Charles: A very happy man!
After 10 years in the Elders Quorum -- serving in every calling in the Quorum -- finally, finally . . . Charles is with the Young Men! He was called to serve as the Young Men's President in our ward. He is SO excited! (Don't get me wrong, he loved the EQ -- but he was ready for some change!)

Charles joined the church when he was 17, so he did not get to experience the full scope of the YM program. There is a a new Duty to God program now, so learning the program and helping the young men will be an awesome opportunity for him!

Look how cute he is. :-)
He is most looking forward to having "Man-time". Meaning: camping, hiking, outdoors, getting dirty, etc., etc. He has put those things on the back-burner for a LONG time while making it through school, and now he HAS to do it!

He recently went on a 30+ mile hike with the young men and he was SO happy! He gave it his all on the trip . . . including his fingernail, which fell off, just yesterday. (Totally gross!) I was going to take a picture of it . . . maybe next time!
I am so excited because Charles is responsible for the Priest Quorum and I have the Laurels . . . we have within our grasp the YM/YW who will be sent out into the world, and we get to be a part of their lives (and hopefully learning) before they go! I am SO excited and Charles is thrilled. There are many fun times to come . . . !!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Congrats. Jeromy is over the venture scouts right now. There are only 3 boys in that age group, and they don't really want to participate, so he's a little frustrated!



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