It is the time of year when bugs are just a part of life . . . and boys will surely find them!
Daniel and William are playing Peter Pan vs. Jack Sparrow. (Notice Daniel FINALLY lost his front tooth, it was hanging by a thread for a month!)
This is William's pet "Fuzz Ball". I thought it was a pretty creepy looking caterpillar . . . it eventually turns into a moth. Ick.Daniel found this spider one morning . . . a very smart spider. It built a web right where all the flies swarm in the morning. She was having herself a little feast! (Smart spiders are girl spiders -- like Charlotte.) Because it was such a smart spider, I let her live.
August is not my favorite time of the year because that is when all of the creepy-crawlies start coming out of the cracks. Icky. I do love the late Fall when they all go into hiding again!
your a good woman for letting the spider live. I would have killed it...uhhh hate bugs! I joke thats way heavenly father blessed me with 3 boys... to get over my fear of bugs because they of course love them all and bring them home to mommy. :O)