Sammi's school class has been preparing for their "talk show" with famous people. The students got to choose a person who they could study, do a report on, and then act like -- in front of the class. Sammi, a complete Disney-nut, was thrilled to pick Walt! (Never-mind that she would have to be a man!) She loved researching his young life, his accomplishments, and she learned a lot of inside things about Disneyland and it's creation. She was thrilled.
Yesterday, she did a run-through of her talk show questions, with me. I was cracking-up -- I should have recorded it. She was trying to talk in a deep voice and she kept raising her eyebrows. She was saying such great things, too. Sammi is not afraid to get up in front of people, she said she likes it. She has definitely inherited her father's humor, acting skills, and eyebrows. :-) She was totally in character -- she WAS Walt! I hope she does well today -- parents were not invited! She did say, however, that when she got up for their rehearsal yesterday, everyone clapped before she even did anything. I told her she was brilliant for picking someone that everyone knows and loves and WANTS to know more about. I mean, really, who does not love Mr. Disney?! I know I do!

Sammi has to get ready all on her own, so I made her practice doing her own mustache (I did send her to school with eyebrows!) Hopefully, it all turns out OK! Oh, and thanks to Daniel for contributing his church clothes, it was very kind. :-) Good luck to Sammi! I just know she will love every minute of it!
From Grandma:
ReplyDeleteGO SAMMI!!! Wish I could see it too.
all the kids looked so cute today when i was in and out of the classroom! sammi gave me a friendly "Disney" hello. :)
ReplyDeleteThat is so stinkin cute! What a fun person to learn about!
ReplyDeleteRonin is obsessed with Mickey Mouse, so he would love her report theme.
What a creative girl. She looks so cute!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I was thinking of dying her hair dark -- but that seemed too intense for the magnitude of the project. She almost wore a train conductor-like hat (Walt was BIG into trains), but when she put it on she looked a little too much like a certain Evil (with a capital E!) Nazi leader -- the complete antithesis of Mr. Walt Disney. :-) Hence, her hair was simply pulled back. :-) Maybe next time . . .
ReplyDeleteVery cute!
ReplyDeleteThis is so cute...she totally looks the part :D