Thursday, March 18, 2010

Home Improvement

We are trying to improve our home, one piece at a time. I do not consider our home a fixer-upper, rather, a home that deserves to be spoiled. ;-) I love our home. It is small, but it is ours. (OK the banks, but it is in our name!) It is a home that longs to be beautiful, and so that is what we are trying to help it become. Our latest face-lift for our home was a pretty big one. Here it is . . .

I totally LOVE it! It took us a while to pick which one we liked best, and this one won the prize. I think it is quite the improvement! We have a garage door opener now and everything! Hooray for making things better than you found them! :-) (We love to do that!)


  1. From mom:
    It is perfect!! What a difference.

  2. Love it! Looks great...great curb appeal now! That's the one thing I love about new home construction is the way they have made garages a focal point! Great job.

  3. Wow, it looks so great! I love how it color coordinates with you house. Quite the difference.

  4. Wow Mari! Looks super. Boy, I am behind on keeping up w/ your blog. I loved reading everything about the kids, LOTR (which Ray and I started watching again over Spring break) we were probably watching it at the same time. I love how you used Little People to teach. Well done! We have plenty of LIttle People around here, so we'll try that too. You are such a good example to me in the way that you strive to teach your children the gospel truths. "And, our Mother knew it" is what your children will say of you...just like the Stripling warriors said of their mothers. You are building an army of God in your home. They are our future Warriors for truth and righteousness. May the force be with them.

    Sammi looked adorable as Walt. She's a charmer for sure. Glad everyone is feeling better.

    I finally update my blog, so check it out. I'll try and post more often. I've had trouble w/ iphoto lately.

    Sure love you Mari.

  5. Its amazing how a nice garage door can really dress up and already great looking property. Good job.

  6. Cute door :D Can a garage door be cute? Anyway---looks nice ;)



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...