Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Boys!

It was Daniel's birthday on Saturday, and William's on Sunday. Daniel is 6 years old and William is 2! Amazing! 2 years ago I had the choice of having William on the 25th, or the 26th. I thought it would be wise to give them each their own day. I am glad I did! They are both my sweet boys. I love them both SO much! They are such good buddies! William thinks he is as big as Daniel, and he thinks Daniel is so cool. I am glad Daniel is worthy of admiration and he is a good example for his little bro. May that always be true! :-)

We took Daniel to the store to pick out a present. He was allowed to pick what he wanted (within reason). He took about 30 minutes, and then he decided to pick a few Thomas the Train friends (I think it was Gordon and Stanley). It was so cute, I would offer something "big" to him, and he would say, "No, it is too expensive." I reassured him it was ok, it was his birthday. (We never go to the store for toys, he was overwhelmed!) He picked something small and simple, even though he could have had something a little "grander" -- may he keep that with him always! :-)

William had his birthday on Sunday. We tried to treat him special, but he did not seem to know (or care) that it was his day. :-) We watched Herbie for FHE last night, as an extension of his b-day, and he loved it. He is a total car-lover. He enjoys trains too, but cars -- they are special! William is also at the beginning stages of potty training. He wore undies last night for the first time and "tried" to go potty a few times. I need to get a seat though -- so he does not fall in. :-) He always tells me when he poops, so we are getting there. I am in no real hurry. I do not mind diapers so much. When he is ready, so am I. I think I will wait to really go for it until after our Alaska trip. Airplanes and potty training do not mix! Clean-up on aisle four!

Happy Birthday Boys!


  1. Wow! Time truly does fly! Happy birthday, boys!!

  2. They are getting so big! Funny they are so close with their birthdays, but you give them each their own day. Kevin and Jim's bday's are 5 days apart and they still share.


  3. OH shoot! I had no idea it was their birthdays and I feel awful. You think I would know something like that. So sorry!! Happy Late Birthday wishes!! :)



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