Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bowling, Beauty, and Bugs

We went bowling on Saturday for Daniel's birthday. :-) It was so fun! We have not been bowling for a LONG time! Charles and I both really stank at the beginning, and we got better as we kept going. I was the winner. :-) The kids loved it!

The Yard...
Our grass is growing in nicely. There are a few places where we need to re-seed, because the water washed the seeds out. But for the most part, it is doing well. :-) We are planning to re-seed this weekend, and pack it down with peet-moss. It should not be too long before we can mow and play! It is truly so exciting to see it grow! It is amazing how much more sun comes through after having trimmed up the trees! I found some before pictures . . .
BEFORE PICTURE (last summer)
AFTER PICTURE (this Spring)

BEFORE PICTURE (before we moved in)
It is full-blown Spring here. All the leaves are on the trees, and the flowers are growing. It is so beautiful! All of the pink flowery trees are in bloom, and it smells so good! We have our own crop of tulips in our front and backyard. We did not know they were there, because we were not here last Spring. It was a nice surprise! :-) I go out and trim them for indoor display -- I love it!

A flowery bush in our backyard
A very pretty tree across the street. (My favorite kind)
Our grass is growing in the front yard too. We had some lawn in front, but a lot of dirt under the pine tree. The grass is special shade grass, and it is growing quite well. We filled in all the dirt with grass (and added the path). It is looking much better. :-)
We recently hosed down our entire house, trees, yard, everything with a special (organic) bug killer. When we first got to the house the yard was filled with compost and TONS of dead leaves. I stepped in a pile of dead leaves and all these bugs fluttered out of the debris. At first I thought they were ladybugs, and then, upon closer inspection -- I found that they were Box-Elder bugs (fire bugs). They are icky, and they were EVERYWHERE! There were literally thousands. I wondered if we could ever rid of them -- but we have! There is an occasional bug that flies onto the house, and then shortly after meets it's doom! It is so exciting to us! We have also seriously decreased the amount of spiders that live in our yard. It is now a nice place to relax, rather than a scary place to venture into! :-) Hooray for bug spray!!!
The most awesome thing ever -- dead bugs! YES!!!

I will keep posting the progress, mostly for me. :-) I love to see the fruits of our labor. It was a lot of hard work, but it is paying off! :-) I cannot wait for the sound (and smell) of the lawnmower! Vroom!

1 comment:

  1. Yuck, I HATE box elder bugs! We had them all around (and sometimes in) our apartment in Salt Lake. It was hard to get in the door of our building without being "attacked" by them. The news even came and did a story on them. Jeromy happened to be walking home at the time, and they interviewed him. He told them that one flew into my slurpee once on our way in!



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