Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bye-Bye, Bun-Bun

We have had Bun-Bun for about 5 months. She is such a sweet, cute, cuddly little bunny. Though I am not an animal person, I have grown to love her. One of the reasons that we got her was that she was suppose to be hypo-allergenic. Well, for the last 5 months, Daniel has had a small rash on his tummy. We took him to the Doctor awhile ago, and they gave him some cream to rub on it. It went away for awhile -- then it came back, even worse.

Daniel never really played with Bun-Bun. He seemed to stay away from her. However, the other night, Bun-Bun was out and Daniel was loving her, and rubbing his face on her fur, etc. Not too long after, Daniel broke out in hives. The hives are all over his body, from head to toe, and everywhere in between. Poor thing. Anyhow, we are pretty darn sure Bun-Bun is the culprit, so Bun-Bun most go bye-bye. Right now, she is in the garage, freezing her little buns off! I just can't keep her in the house, knowing she is making Daniel sick!

Aloe vera has been our best friend. I hate using medicines, especially the steroid cream that doctors prescribe. Daniel is handling it well, though he looks so sad, and it looks very painful. He wanted to go to school today. I kept him home yesterday, because I did not want him to be uncomfortable. He demanded that he go to school today. Silly kid. :-) He is still covered from head to toe. Hopefully, he has a good day!

Well, now we are looking for a new home for the bunny. She just cannot stay here with us. The kids cried for a long time, but they all agreed that Daniel's health is more important. :-)

Anyone want a bunny? :-)


  1. I've really grown to abhor any type of animal with fur. I think I just keep getting more and more allergic in my old age. It makes it really hard to visit anyone :(

  2. Your family is so beautiful! I can not believe it! Do not worry about Bun-Bun, I am sure there is a wonderful family dying for that cute little guy!

  3. Oh, no! Poor Bun-Bun! Poor Daniel!! It is so hard when you are allergic to the things that you love! I hope you can find a good home for her!!

  4. Oh no! How sad. I'm so sorry.

    Give Daniel some Benadryl before bed tonight!

  5. Poor Danny. That is so sad. Do you have any pictures of Danny? jk. I've seen my dad with hives and he is not happy at all. And you know how that is mary.

    Hope he gets well soon
    love katielady

  6. Danny seems to be getting better. Calimine lotion seems to really be helping, while Aloe seems to be healing. :-) He is back at school, and full of energy. Benadryl has also been our friend at night. :-)
    However, he woke up the other night scratching everywhere, and caused his hives to break and bleed -- ick! It is so sad to see children suffer, you just want to take it away!! Daniel is a real tropper though. He has been helping me do the lotion rub down. He hates it, but he helps. :-) Poor guy. Hopefully his skin will be all fresh and smooth again soon!

  7. Oh poor guy! Did you get a picture of him? I know it is sad, but I always like to see the hives and the ouchie that someone is feeling so I can sympathize even more. I am glad to hear he is better. I can't believe that bunny, you should get your money back! :)



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