Friday, December 19, 2008

Little Joys

William has been enjoying the heater vent. :-) He likes to sit right on it.
I have been enjoying doing a little doodling lately, I just scribble on little index cards. It is relaxing, sort of. :-) The pictures are a little distorted in the camera/computer transfer.

Now I get to enjoy the kids! School is out!!!! The kids are MINE!!!! Hooray!


  1. You guys are all so beautiful! And I love that Christ picture if I had it it would be framed and hanging in my room! Katielady

  2. Did you ever stand over the floor vents in your Sunday dresses as a child, seeing how high the air could blow your dress up? I used to love to do that! I think floor vents are children magnets!! Great drawings! Art always seems to relax me when nothing else can.

  3. I love sitting on the heater vent, too!



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...