Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This was the view Christmas morning -- Santa was kind. :-)

Daniel was all about Star Wars this year. The helmet and light-up lightsabers (which also make the special lightsaber noise) were a highlight for him. :-)
William was so excited -- he could hardly stand it! :-)
This is a picture of our animal friends out our front window. I enjoy "feeding the birds" and the birds and other wildlife enjoy eating. It is fun to watch.

We slept on an air mattress in the kids room for Christmas eve. They wanted to "warm it up" for us. :-)
It is a tradition in our family to do Christmas eve pajamas. It was really funny this year, Charles ordered mine on-line, and my mother brought her Jammie's with her from Alaska -- no communication about it!! Weird! We both looked like Mrs. Claus in our floofy tents! It was cute.
The kids were very cheesed!
We had a lovely Christmas. It snowed and snowed and snowed some more! We all got a bit of cabin fever, the roads were really to slick to go anywhere, or do anything. We spent most of our time reading, playing, eating, and resting. It was a real break. I feel ready to get moving, rather than needing a rest from an event-filled vacation. It was nice to relax.

1 comment:

  1. That's so funny about the jammie's you guys are twinners katielady



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