Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Yesterday, I asked Daniel who is running for President and he said, "Broccoli Obama."

I was dressed as Sarah Palin for Halloween. Sammi and her friend said, "Look, she's Sarah-hemla!"

Sammi's class voted to see who they wanted for the next President. McCain won with 16 votes, while Obama had 8. Sammi and her classmates were all distressed when they found out who won this morning. (I was outside on the playground with her.) Sammi said, "Didn't they count our votes?"

After announcing that Obama was the winner, Sammi was really unsure. I said, "Even though we did not vote for Obama, we need to support him as the President of the United States . . . as long as he does the right thing." She seemed o.k. with that answer.

Like Sammi, I am a little unsure. But, as an American citizen, I do support our President. I will pray for him and his decisions that he will make in behalf of our Country. I hope that he can be inspired. I hope that the "Change" (which he so passionately promoted) will be change for the better. I hope that the people of this Nation, this Nation "Under God" will become a God-Fearing people once again.

To the future!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have a better attitude about this outcome than I do! But I guess I could pray for him since we ARE supposed to pray for our enemies!



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