I have been following the news today (as I do daily) and I have discovered that there has been a lot of backlash occurring -- stemming from the involvement of church members who helped to pass Proposition 8 (Protection of Marriage) in California. There have been protests at temples, and more are scheduled to come. Those who oppose Prop 8 have chosen a group to target so they can vent their anger, and send daggers of hate flying. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the current target.
This is really nothing new. The Church has known persecution from the very beginning. Some have even said that church members seem to thrive best when persecuted, or when their faith is put to the test. I must say, I agree! In these tumultuous days, I certainly hope that to be true!

"I believe that the adversary seeks to find our weaknesses, to expose them, and to trap us. I believe in the case of same-gender attraction that he works extra hard to entice, to tempt, and then to capture. Why would such care and effort be made by the dark side? If same-gender attraction can be glamorized, accepted, and embraced -- then it is another win for him. It is a win because it is the perfect tool, the perfect trap, and the perfect weapon -- to fight against the sanctity of Family."
This heated debate over same-sex marriage, is really the perfect tool -- to fight against God's eternal plan for His children. His children! (Which include those who are directly fighting against a miraculous plan of happiness created just for them!) If they only knew! If only they knew what happiness was available to them, true eternal happiness! Not fleeting physical/emotional worldly satisfaction.
"When the people have torn to shreds the Constitution of the United States the Elders of Israel will be found holding it up to the nations of the earth and proclaiming liberty and equal rights to all men, and extending the hand of fellowship to the oppressed of all nations. This is part of the program, and as long as we do what is right and fear God, he will help us and stand by us under all circumstances."
Many who are fighting for same-sex marriage claim they deserve "equal rights" and that it is a civil right to marry. This is NOT a battle of a different race of people who are being treated unfairly. (Though some may say differently.) If it were, I would be fighting on the other side! They are fighting for their privilege to engage in sexual behavior/relationships, that they have determined they prefer, over that of a heterosexual relationship. If you took sex away from the equation, then you would have nothing left of the issue. Instead of fighting for marriage, to condone sinful homosexual acts, they could just engage in what is known as "close friendships" or people of the same sex that really like, even love each other -- who enjoy the emotional closeness that they share, rather than crossing the line, making it a sexual same-gender relationship.
At work Charles is confronted with hundreds of different scenarios that have to do with people acting upon their desires. Sometimes it is theft, battery, and often he deals with sexual crimes. Some are adults and some children. These people reacted to their "desires" in a variety of repulsive ways, and as a result -- they face the consequences. If desires are to be the drive behind our lives -- rather then self-control and compliance to the law -- there would be no rules, no law, no good, no bad, there would be complete an utter moral chaos.
Alma 42:22
But there is a law given, and a punishment affixed, and a repentance granted; which repentance, mercy claimeth; otherwise, justice claimeth the creature and executeth the law, and the law inflicteth the punishment; if not so the works of justice would be destroyed, and God would cease to be God.
Spencer W. Kimball stated:
"All such deviations from normal, proper heterosexual relationships are not merely unnatural but wrong in the sight of God. Like adultery, incest, and bestiality they carried the death penalty under the Mosiac law. (Lev. 20:13, 15-16.)
The law is less severe now, and so regrettably is the community's attitude to these grave sins -- another evidence of the deterioration of society. In some countries the act per se is not even illegal. This "liberalizing" process is reflected in the United States by communities of homosexuals in our larger cities who demand acceptance of their deviate beliefs and practices as "normal;," who sponsor demonstrations and draw up petitions to this end, who are formally organized, and who even print their own perverted journals. All this is done in the open, to the detriment alike of impressionable minds, susceptible urges, and our national decency.
But let us emphasize that right and wrong, righteousness and sin, are not dependent upon man's interpretations, conventions and attitudes. Social acceptance does not change the status of an act making wrong into right. If all people in the world were to accept homosexuality, as it seems to have been accepted in Sodom and Gomorrah, the practice would still be deep, dark sin."
I love that we have prophets to lead and guide us.
Luckily, if we can rip away from the worldly view of things, we can find truth. There ARE sources of information with the full truth (scriptures/modern revelation) -- we do not have to pick our brain, rather, our hearts/spirit -- to put together the puzzle of information. We do not have to "grasp" for truth, we can have it. And there is "One" who has the right answer, and we can turn to Him, our loving Heavenly Father, for our answers, our guidance, and all truth. I am So grateful for that!

Wow Mari have you been thinking about this for a while or did all that just come to you. I have been thinking about it for a while and I loved to read about the subject through your eyes. I appreciate your bold honesty.
ReplyDeleteAmen Sister! Amen.
Yes, I have been thinking about it for awhile! Actually, since way back in high school. I have been exposed to this "issue" on numerous occasions. For example, I had a best friend in high school who was taking the missionary discussions. Then when news of a family dilema came up (her father cheated on her mother with a much younger woman)she snapped. She turned away from me, and within weeks she was involved in a same-gender relationship. It was really sad. It really made me think.
ReplyDeleteAlso, at my high school in Alaska students were trying to form a Gay-Straight Alliance club. Many of the church members pulled together and tried to talk to school staff about our concerns -- but it was to no avail. I can still remember sitting in the office with one of the staff, pouring out my heart. Little did we know we were trying to convince someone highly in favor of the club. The club was formed. I could never understand why a school would encourage, or allow, a club that is based upon someone's sexual preference. There was no such club for those who supported only heterosexual relationships.
Anyhow, yes, I have been pondering this subject a lot. It comes up in conversations so often now. I feel I had better know what I believe, and where I stand.
LDS.org newsroom has tremendously helpful information regarding this topic. I especially appreciate Elder Oak's answers.
Thanks for reading. I know it was long-winded!
Again, any comments are welcome. Even from those who read the blog that I do not know. :-)
OK, WOW what a post! It must have taken all of your freetime for months to search out answers and write this down in such a perfect, powerfully bold way! Just when I'm feeling a bit liberal, I read one of your amazing posts and get grounded again! I wish I could write like you. When I try to tackle a hard topic, it comes out sounding uneducated and weak, or just stupid. There is no way I could see anyone being able to argue with the way you wrote this! Thanks so very much for this Mari!!! Even as a believer of the true gospel, I sometimes get confused into sympathising with the wrong. You are completely right though. I will have to print this out and hang it up to read when discouraged about this battle.
ReplyDeleteIt is such a disgusting thing we face now in these days. kids are not only taught about, but encouraged to try out different genders! My friend has a kindergardener in Colorado who got in trouble in his class for not role playing a girl! He refused, so the teacher called my friend. My friend was horrified that such a thing even happened! I know the battle will only get worse and that they will eventually win. I just hope I can teach my kids enough so they will be strong in this everchanging world!
PS, I did want to add that I fully supported the prop 8 and was thrilled when decomracy spoke and it was passed! I support and sustain our church leaders when they ask for our help to prevent such laws. I am heartbroken over those members of our church who were signing petitions against our church leaders! It is just horrible to see that, even though it probably has happened many times over our Church's history.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your thoughts! I really enjoy hearing the views of others. I really do!! I know I reach a very small audience with this blog (I made it that way) but I do know that people read it, and do not always comment (like me, I am starting to be a blog-comment slacker!) I do still read and enjoy the blogs of others!!
My hope was originally to write down my thoughts, mostly for myself, so I could come to a clear understanding of this issue -- an issue that I believe will become quite a huge mess in the future. It is SO important to not be caught as a "fence-sitter" leaning one way or another, depending on the news of the day. I certainly don't want to be wishy-washy on this topic, hence, my journey to understand it in depth has begun!
These are strange times in which we live, "troubled times" as my Stake President said (this last weekend at Stake Conference.) But there is always hope! We also had a member of the Seventy visit our conference, he said the last thing he heard President Hinckley say was, "The best is yet to be! I just wish I could be around to see it!" Oh, the sweet optimist!
The best is yet to be!! Hooray!