Friday, February 15, 2008

The Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting

I did not attend the training meeting, but I just finished reading the entire on-line transcript found on It was SO great! It is ALL about the Family and the Proclamation to the World. I loved it! I learned many new things, and had some old things confirmed. A few things that stood out to me:

- Do not attempt to judge other people -- You just NEVER know what people are REALLY going through (even when things appear picture-perfect!)

- The theme of "Family First" came up many times. We should not over book our schedules, sports and other activities for children, including too many (unnecessary) church meetings, parties, etc. that may take away from quality family time -- "quality family time" does not include playing video games, or watching TV. ;-)

- We should have children! We should not wait until we have "money" to have children. We should desire children, and from what I gathered, have as many as we can and "multiply and replenish the earth". This, of course, often requires great sacrifice, but that is what we are sent to Earth to do! We should be seeking after and accumulating (and fortifying) family/children -- not seeking after accumulating wealth. ;-) (Children should be our greatest jewels!)

- We need to love more, be less selfish, think of others, and our needs will be filled. (Amazing how that works!)

- Homemaking is more than baking. It is creating a spiritual "climate" in which a family can grow and flourish. We have all felt that "climate" or "the Spirit" when you walk into a Heavenly Home. You can also very strongly feel when it is not a warm spiritual climate, but rather cold and Antarctica-ish -- void of peace and comfort -- Brrrr! There are some homes with a "get me out of here" kind of feeling. It takes great effort to create that warm, positive climate where families can grow strong -- but it is worth the effort!

- Though many people are not living the "ideal" family life, that does not mean that we should not discuss the ideal as to not offend those who may be offended. There is an ideal family plan -- it must be taught and preached to the world. That is exactly what the Proclamation is for.

- We need to be Strong and Immovable as families. It is a time to stand up for what we believe (about family) even when the entire world would disagree and mock us for it. The world looks down on children in general -- they are considered a burden, not a blessing. We are not sent here to adhere to the concepts of men, we are sent her to obey God's commandments, which include family, replenishing the Earth, and saving the souls of men. That is our duty, that is our purpose. Everything else is just details. ;-)

I learned so much more than this, but I grow sleepy and must rest! I hope you take the time to read over the transcript -- it is so worth the read. Very empowering.

One of my favorite quotes was by Elder Holland:

Listen, it’s always been tough. There has never been a time in the history of the world when there weren’t problems, when there weren’t things to be fearful about. That’s why we have the gospel. We can’t live in fear—not in this Church—that somehow things aren’t going to work out or that there’s too much that’s ominous out there that’s going to strike. That can be personal fear or collective fear for civilization. We just need to live the gospel and summon our faith and get answers to our prayers and go forward. And that’s the way it’s always been done.

I love it. I love having the gospel in my life to guide me (and my family) through these shaky and uncertain latter-days. Sometimes, I may fear small things, but not big things. I know God lives, I know He is aware of my every breath and concerned for my well-being. He wants me to return to Him -- I want to return to Him! I will try and stand a little taller . . .


  1. Wow! Thanks for the thoughts! I haven't read the transcript, but will print it off and read it this week. I was giving the Visiting Teaching lesson this week to one of my sisters and she had gone to the training and the VT message went hand in hand with the message of the training! I just love how it all goes together!!

    Lots of love!


  2. Thank you! I really need to read it. I've heard it was so good. I love that last quote by Elder Holland.

  3. well done Mari.
    Ray came home last Sunday after attending the meeting and raved about it.
    I'm glad it's available on line now. What a wonderful resource we have.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    How was house hunting?


  4. Those were wonderful! I agree with everything. They are great lessons. Thanks for posting them!

    I do have to confess though- I'm not a big fan of the "lots of children" thing. I've always just wanted a small family. I guess everyone has problem areas or weaknesses we all need to overcome.

  5. On Sunday night Charles and I printed off the entire (24 pages) of the transcript and read it together. He read all the "guy" parts and I read all the "girl" parts. It was lots of fun to do together and then discuss our feelings/views on the topics. It was a great thing to do together. ;-)

    It never gave a specific number of children that you should have. ;-) Each family is unique and decisions for your own family are made through individual prayer, etc. I think the main thing is that we do not limit our family for reasons that are worldly. It is amazing how with each child your capacity for love grows, and I have found with each child -- I grow too! Yes, my body is not perfect now, and there are many sacrifices involved with motherhood -- but I would not sacrifice motherhood for anything. The world is in need of strong women who can raise good children in righteousness -- a new generation of God-Fearing servants. If we as Latter-Day Saints don't do it, who will? We are sorely needed! I take much comfort and joy in that! I am sure you are a great mother. Your kids are so cute!

  6. Thanks for that, well said. Thanks for not being judgmental. I understand the importance and I love the way each kid has changed my life and our family. They are so wonderful and we are planning on having another soon. I'm mostly affaid of having more c-sections. (I'm also affaid of being a stressed out psychodic, crazy mom who has to be medicated in order to be nice and calm. OK, so that one is a silly fear, but it's a fear of mine.) I've never had fears due to worldly problems (my figure, money etc..) Thanks for saying: If we don't do it, who will? That hit me hard. I never thought of it that way! Thanks Mari!



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