Monday, February 11, 2008

Home Teachers

Last night we had our Home Teachers over. It was the first time we have had Home Teachers over since living in Spokane. They were very nice and we always (usually) enjoy having people in our home. It was pretty late and the kids were at the "breaking point" as far as being ready for bed. This meant they were not as polite as I would have had them. They were both having a really hard time sitting still and being quiet during the lesson. Usually, they are very well-behaved. Anyhow, after they left, Sammi and Daniel got a lesson about being respectful when others are speaking/teaching. I think they will do better next time. :-)

This made me think of something funny from my youth. One time, long ago, we had our Home Teachers over - they were a sweet old couple. My siblings and I were also having a hard time sitting still and listening (we would rather be playing). At the end of the lesson the Home Teachers asked the regular question, "Is there anything we can do for you and your family?" Without hesitation my little brother (John) said, "Yes, you can leave!" My parents were totally embarrassed. I knew John was going to get it after that! I do remember he had to go and apologize to them at church the next Sunday. I am not sure of all the details of what happened after that - it was so long ago. I will never forget that classic answer from John!! What a goober! ;-)


  1. thanks for the laugh Mari. I remember that comment from John. hey, at least he was honest...and they say, honesty is the best policy.

    Everyone make sure and remember Bethanie in your prayers tonight since she is going in for ear surgery tomorrow. She's having a new tube put in the ear that she had done a couple years ago. She is in good hands w/ Dr. Parrish and Annalee will be with her the day of her recovery and then Ray and I will stop by the next day after my Dr. Merkouris appt. I know this will make her feel better (especially since she'll be flying soon.)


  2. I think we have all had moments like gave me a good laugh.

    I love all the pictures. They are adorable and so fun to look at!

  3. Well it was either that or "bring brownies next time." I decided it was more polite to ask them to get out.

  4. I am still chuckling about John's comment. I am sure that we have all thought it at one time or another!

    I'll remember Beth in my prayers!! I can't really tell what day Kary wrote so she could have already had surgery! I hope she is doing alright!!

    LOTS of love!




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