Monday, January 14, 2008

The Front Row

At church we have been sitting in the front row. It is a place I was not very interested in for a long time, especially with small children. However, I have found that it is great! The kids have nothing to distract in front of them and they are so close to the speaker that they sometimes listen! It has really helped with reverence - something we work on constantly. I think respect and reverence are so important at Church (and other places). We focus on it for Family Home Evening often. We still struggle with not giggling during family prayer (I am not talking about the kids!) It is a bad habit from my youth. ;-)

I love church. Right now I am calling-less, but I have a meeting with the Bishop tomorrow night - so we shall see. I have no feelings about it either way right now. Usually, I have an inkling about it - not this time. I will (of course) do whatever I am asked to do. My favorite church calling would be a Relief Society teacher, but I think those are all full up! ;-)

Yesterday in Sunday School I learned something of value. It is something I already knew, but repetition is such a great thing because lessons effect you differently at different times of life. The lesson mentioned that even though we keep the commandments, we are not promised a trial-free life. When you examine the lives of some of the most faithful people, their lives are filled with adversity and trials. They do not sit on a fluffy cloud watching the birds fly around them - most often it is quite the opposite. When you examine the life of people like Joseph Smith - you find his life was hardly charmed.

We are here to be tested, tried, to see if we will prove faithful to the end. We are promised that we will prosper in the land if we keep the commandments, but what does that mean? Doe that mean we can expect to have a life full of health, wealth, and ease? Hmmmm . . . I do not think so. I think it means that as we keep the commandments we will be strengthened, we will come to know that all things that happen to us, as we keep the commandments, are for our good. Our "prosperity" may not come until the time we meet with our Heavenly Father. I do not consider the life of Joseph Smith to be a life full of worldly prosperity, but I am certain he is "prospering" now!

One of the comments from the lesson was about a young couple just out of school. They were wondering why after keeping the commandments (going to school, having a family, etc.) why they were struggling financially and why things were so "hard". Now, I can personally relate to this. I suppose you imagine that when you do what is commanded of you, that suddenly flowers bloom in infertile soil. Sometimes - they do, they really do. But often miracles happen in unexpected ways. There is no promise that if you keep the commandments life will be easy. Do we pay tithing because it means we will be financially secure if we do? Or do we pay tithing because that is what God commanded us to do - so we do it.

The famous Nephi quote is:
"I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

So, even though it may not be apparent that God is aware of your trials, and it may seem as though it does not make sense how things are working out right now - in time, if you are truly doing what the Lord commands, He shall prepare a way for you! Sometimes, we just have to grab tight to the iron rod and keep one foot in front of the other. Joy beyond anything we can comprehend now will come as we keep the commandments of God - I know that for certain!!

I LOVE the Gospel!

Lots of love!

1 comment:

  1. Very well said!! It is so good for us to remember that trails are not indicators of our righteousness level. No one is too good to have problems.

    It is good to remember that when the people of Alma were struggling under the burdens that the Lamanites put on their backs, the Lord didn't take away their burdens, he made them stronger so that they could bear them. I know that he does that for us as well.

    I love this Gospel also and am so grateful for my struggles. They show me that our Heavenly Father is aware of me and that he knows I can do it.

    Lots of love!




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