Thursday, January 31, 2008

I was "tagged" ten random things about me . . .

If you go back through my archive, you will find a list of over 100 things about me. I will try and come up with 10 more. (Thanks Jayni) Hmmmmm ...

1. I love eating cookie dough. I prefer to eat the dough - more than I do the cookies! Always have.
2. I LOVE running. It has been a really rough winter here, and my running has been suffering for it. Without running - I feel less perky, less energy, less excited, and more fluffy! Bring on Spring!
3. I love discussing work with Charles. Most of the time he comes home with some good stories about the dumb things that people do and how long they go to jail for it. I enjoy learning about the Law, and the punishments associated with it.
4. I want six kids. It was orginally twelve (I have twelve small dimonds on my wedding ring to represent each child) that was obviously decided before we had one. Six - it is a good, solid number. ;-)
5. I consider myself a mother-advocate. I preach "motherhood" any chance I get. Sometimes I preach to the choir, but I still love to do it! It is in no way easy for me, but I just, "put on my big-girl panties" and do what needs to be done! NO whining! Sis. Beck is my new hero, with her awesome "Mothers Who Know" talk. Loved it - standing ovation from me.
6. I love the news. I love to read it, watch it, whatever. I love to know what is going on in the big, big world. It can be overwhelming at times, but most of the time it is fascinating.
7. I know who I am. A lot of people do not know this. It gives me great comfort and mostly, strength. I try to fill myself full of good things, so I will have a well of strength to dip into, if I am ever feeling less than great. ;-) It is so nice to know who you are - in uncertain times.
8. I feel pretty. I know my teeth are crooked, my hips are fluffy, and my hair needs to be highlighted - but I still feel pretty. I have always felt pretty (on the inside) enough so, that I believe I am pretty on the outside (hard to explain). I went through some very non-pretty times of youth, but I found my inner pretty-me. ;-) I am confident enough to answer the door in my jammies, and not care. I also know that most people are much more concerned with themsleves to really care about the way I look - something I did not comprehend as a youth. Do you feel pretty? You should . . . :-)
9. I love challenges. I never feel better then when I am out walking Sammi to school, and the snow is pelting me in the face, and I am pushing all three kids while slipping on the ice. It is in moments like that, I smile. I feel strong, and I feel powerful. I love those moments. I have had a lot of them this winter! ;-)
10. I am stubborn. It is funny to me, because I have a special blessing that talks about me having a "pliable heart". It is true my heart is pliable, but my mouth is not. ;-) I am well aware . . . and working on it.

There ya go! If you want to find my 100 list it is in my archive (somewhere).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mari, that was awesome! I ditto your thoughts on Sister Beck's talk! YOu are such a go getter!



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