Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Life is What Happens . . .

When you are making other plans.
That has certainly been true for our family in the last month.
As you might recall, we were planning on moving to Utah. We had made many of the preparations and we were moving forward with that plan. As things progressed, we started to feel different feelings . . . feelings like doubt, fear, and great concern. We were not sure it was the right thing to do. We talked, prayed, and talked some more . . . and whole-heartedly begged for answers. (This was a BIG decision!) And then, one night, about a month ago, Charles had a blessing. In that blessing it was said to, "do what is best for Mari and the children." When I heard that said out loud, it caused me to pause and I was forced to wonder, "What is best for our family?"

The conclusion was simply a feeling I felt deep in my gut:


I knew I wanted to stay in Idaho. I was just shoving that feeling aside and looking elsewhere. When we presented this (Idaho) option to the children they all FREAKED out, and LOVED the idea. They were pretending (much like me) to want to go to Utah . . . we all thought it would be exciting. But what we REALLY wanted to do was stay here. Once we finally admitted that to ourselves, everything else started to fall into place. Our answer came in feelings -- reaching down deep to find our true desires. We had to be honest with ourselves about what we wanted and what was best. We had to allow ourselves to feel it out -- it was harder than it sounds. Feelings can be fickle, tricky, and complicated.

But in reality, the answer was always there -- inside of me. I just had to be quiet, so I could hear it.

After making the final decision to stay . . .

In the last month we have moved from our adorable little home (which, by the way, will be for rent shortly -- after we remodel the bathroom) . . .

To a home with adequate space for our family and my mom and dad (who will be joining us in a matter of months) . . .
We have packed and moved (not recommended when 9 months pregnant!)
And we have had a lot of help from kind people from our ward. There were over 20 guys who moved us out and in, in less than 3 hours! Amazing! I was SO grateful.

The kids played with friends while their dad's did all the work. :-)

And now, after just a month of changing plans . . . we are partially settled in our new home (we are just renting). We are back and forth between our other house to paint, clean and ready it for renters. We are moving forward with new plans . . . It has been a pretty exciting time!

It was so strange. After deciding to decide, things just started to make sense. A home appeared at just the right time, and in just the right place (our kids get to stay in the same school!). The house was just the right price, too -- which was a REAL miracle! It was so random. We looked on-line one day, the home was advertised, we walked through it, and now we are here!? Crazy!

It was (and still is) such a whirlwind of activity that my head is still spinning from it. Sometimes I wake-up in the morning in our new home and wonder how the heck we got here? It all came together so fast. But that is life, eh?

I have had to learn an important lesson along the way: Patience. I could not do all the things I would normally do . . . like lifting the couch, and carrying heavy objects. Packing was slow-going, and difficult for me. The same has been true for unpacking. There have been a bunch of little snags along the way, and little details and problems to be solved. I have had to be calm, and I have had to deal with them, without freaking-out. I am learning to take life one day at a time. Do what can be done today and do NOT freak out about tomorrow. Easier said than done!

On another note . . . I will give birth in a matter of weeks. I must say, I am super ready. Our new home has a bunch of stairs and I love that I cannot breath when I get to the top. :-) Everything is going well though, and my fluid is holding up so far. Henry is set to be a big baby (not like I make them any other way!). My mind is now becoming fixed on birth . . . I have never had a natural birth, all three have been 39 week inducements. I am guessing Henry will be the same, unless something crazy happens. My babies just don't want to come out!

Anyway, that is all for now. I will hopefully start blogging more, now that I am not in the middle of frenzy-time, and packing. Also, having the internet helps. :-)

More details and pictures to come later. I am slow-moving now-a-days.
Over and out.


  1. I always look forward to posts from you! So glad that things have been falling into place for you guys and that you are still in Boise!! :)

  2. Wow, you HAVE been busy!

    Congratulations on getting to stay in Idaho. Idaho's my favorite. :) Lucky for us, Idaho gets to keep you, too.

  3. Your new house looks beautiful. Congrats!

  4. You're new place does look great.
    So is Charles staying in defense work?
    I'll have to bring you dinner so I can get the REAL TOUR of your place.
    Can I bring you dinner sometime soon like this or next week maybe.
    I know when I was big and pregnant dinner was fantastic cause it wasn't something else that I had to plan and do.
    Let me know ok.
    Maybe one morning you'll wake up and be like
    'I feel HORRIBLE'
    Well then call me and that's the day I'll make you dinner ;)
    You better call or I'll be offended.
    I'm a good cook...........promise.

  5. That's great you guys are following and listening to spirits. That's what make all of us. We will of course miss you. But you know what, we can now look forward to future family visits!

    Your newest home is gorgeous and I can't wait for you to welcome your newest addition!

    We all love you!


  6. That was a surprise! Congrats on the new home, and good luck with that natural birth. :o)

  7. Wow, that's crazy! Good for you for listening to the Spirit.

  8. Glad you're alive and well Mari. I promise, the stairs will make you stronger. Abs of steel for sure (that is after Henry is born.) : )

    Send pics once you have it all decorated. Can't wait to see your happy, light and bright home. Breathe deep and press forward (slowly for now.)

    Love you sister.




It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...