Monday, April 9, 2012

He Came for Me

(I apologize for the video quality, it was back in the day of VHS)

When I was 20 years old, I was involved in a play called "Women at the Well". It is a beautiful production. It was during this time that I solidified my testimony of Jesus Christ. I had always believed, and even known that Jesus is my Savior. But as I sang this song, it seemed to burn my simple knowledge deep into my heart, my body, my everything. As I sang, I saw a light, I felt a light -- brighter than anything I had seen or felt before. I knew Jesus was the Savior of the World. I could not deny it then -- I want to shout it from the rooftops now. This moment was a special moment for me, I am grateful for it. I will never forget it.

This song is about a record located in 3rd Nephi, in the Book of Mormon -- when the Savior came to the people in the Americas. It is the absolute most beautiful part of the entire Book of Mormon. The Savior showed Himself to all of His people, He came for them. He visited them after He was resurrected. It is so beautiful to know that. He did not just visit those whom He lived amongst after He was resurrected, He visited ALL of His children. That is why the Book of Mormon is so special. It is another testimony of Jesus Christ. It is simply a record, a history, kept by prophets, testifying of Him. It is a marvelous companion to the Bible, reaffirming the Bible's truth, and the Savior's love for us. The Book of Mormon is a book of truth -- the word of God. I know it.

He came for them. He came for me.

I know God lives. I know Jesus is the Christ.

I have seen too much to ever deny it.


  1. Mari, the video didn't show up on your blog when I checked it.

    But, I do want you to know, I will always remember the day you sang that song. I could not contain the tears. Even as I write of you now, I can feel your testimony of the Savior. I'm so grateful I was able to be there to hear you testify through music. What a strong, beautiful voice you have. Don't ever stop singing. It is truly one of the best ways to feel the Spirit.

    Thank you for having the courage to get on stage and stand as a witness of God. I know many hearts were touched by your song of praise.

    I love you sister.

    Sing on!


  2. Thanks Kary, did you try looking on your phone, or on a computer? It does not work on my phone, but it should work on a computer . . . Love you!



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