Wednesday, February 1, 2012


You're never too old to take care of yourself.

I learned that lesson this weekend, after spending some time with my Nan. She is going to be 89 this year, and she "glows". While I was at her home, I used her potty. Her bathroom is filled with sprays, lotions, creams, tubes and an assortment of products she uses on a daily basis. As I was washing my hands, I glanced down at the counter and I noticed a tube of Anti-Wrinkle cream.

I had to smile. To think that after 89 years, she is not giving up . . . she is going to fight those wrinkles! Go Nan! The Anti-Wrinkle cream made me love her even more. I realized that she loves herself, enough to take care of herself. And though I think it is her love that makes her shine, the fact that she is not giving-up on taking care of herself keeps her feeling ALIVE. Paying attention to yourself -- even just a little -- can make A LOT of difference! It may even keep wrinkles away!

I have a lot to learn . . .

Maybe I should brush my hair today? Maybe I should take a shower?

Hmmmmm . . . food for thought.


  1. Mom totally got me into "total effects," an oil of olay product sold at Costco. It is pricy, but I need to fight some wrinkles too. Fortunately, mine are smile lines by my eyes and they are creasing upward, so I'll keep smiling.

    Way to go Nan! I wondered how she did it. : )

    Made me laugh that you thought about brushing your hair today. Seems like a chore, doesn't it? Thank goodness for ponytails and clips.

  2. last comment by Kary



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