Sunday, January 22, 2012

What's in a Name? What's in a Face?

As you know we have chosen the name for our 4th baby (Charles chose it), and that name is: Henry Jones van Ormer. We might, maybe, possibly, call the poor lad Indiana. (It depends if he is born with a whip in his hand.)

Well, interestingly enough, I was doing some family history work on Charles's side of the family, and I came across this fine man (pictured below) . . . he is Charles' great, great, great grandpa.

His name?

William Henry Jones, also known as "Henry Jones".

He was born in the state of . . . where else?? You got it -- Indiana!

Yeah, I thought it was awesome. Henry Jones, from Indiana. So, not only are we naming our baby after a fantastic movie character, but we are also naming him after his own great, great, great, great grandpa, and nicknaming him after the state he was born in -- and I can get behind that! :-) Henry is not sounding so bad to me now . . . (I was NOT behind it 100%).

What's in a face? OK . . . so another discovery were these photos. The photo below is of Henry Jones' family. The man with the arrow over his head is Benton Weaver Jones -- Charles' great, great, grandfather. He is a nice-looking fellow.
And then there is this photo (below) of the same Henry Jones' family -- a little less formal (they were all farmers).
Now, I believe one of the farm-boys is Benton Weaver Jones (the guy with the arrow over his head -- Charles' great, great, grandpa -- from the above picture), but which one?
Can anyone pick out who he is?? I really don't know . . . but going from left to right, the third guy over might be him? I sure wish I knew! What a bunch of strapping young men -- all related to Charles. No wonder Charles is so good-looking. :-)
It is weird how I can see him in their faces . . . I love that.
I love that our faces exist in the faces of our ancestors -- and they are in ours. There is something really special about that.
So, is anyone super at face identification? Is there an App. for that? :-)
Any guesses? Which one is Benton? Which one is Charles great, great, grandpa??
(Oh, and I'm loving the bottles in their hands . . . I'm thinking it's not root beer.) :-)
This is why I love the search . . . I love the finds! Finding family history pictures is like finding buried treasure.


  1. Thanks for all your inspiring family history photos and thoughts Mari. It is truly a talent you have. Keep using it. You really are finding buried treasures. Arghhh Matie!

    Also, I finally caught up on reading your blog yesterday. I loved seeing the pics of Sammi and Daniel working on that lego castle. Incredible!!! Way more patience than I have yet to discover. Wow! Way to go Sam and Dan!

    So, I thought, we have legos somewhere, I should pull them out of the toy closet for Stephen and McKinley and see what they do w/ them. Mari, it was amazing. They played w/ them all day. I don't think they have really played w/ legos before. A whole new world of creativity has opened up for them. It was a great way to spend a Sunday, building and rejoicing together.

    See the power of your blog. It gives people ideas to implement and joy is discovered as we try new, positive things.

    Thanks for sharing!

    You're amazing!


  2. Did you know "Arise and Shine Forth" is the YM/YW theme for 2012? I love that you put that on your "Van Ormer View" as your family theme. Way to go! I suppose w/ Charles as YM Pres., you are aware of the theme. Isn't it great? I love it. We are introducing the theme to our YW this week. It is time to arise and shine forth. I'm going to tell myself that every morning I wake up, even if it's -10° : )

    I am going to start blogging again today, so if you want to put a "Karyskorner" has returned somewhere, somehow in your blog (since some of your viewers go to my blog as well) that would be great. Thanks for all you do Mari. Love to you!




It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...