Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cracked Heels

Have you ever had cracked heels? OUCH!
For me they come during pregnancy. (Extra pressure on my feet.) Sometimes the cracks can get SO deep, they burn, and cause a lot of pain. This happened to me after spending the day in the kitchen baking bread -- too much time on my feet. Not a good idea.

Charles helped me get some of the extra skin off from around the crack (can't reach my feet), and then I put on my magic healing cream.

I applied generously, and then wore clean socks overnight. By morning, my feet were A LOT better! No more pain.

I love this stuff . . . I'm all better now. ;-)


  1. I've never thought to use this for anything else but what it was originally for.
    Good idea.
    Yummy home made bread.

  2. It definitely has many uses one wouldn't think of. Just today, at the hospital, I asked if they had chapstick. It's so dang dry in there my lips where cracking. The nurse brought me a little sample of Lansinoh and said she uses it all the time at home. It worked like a charm....who knew? :)

  3. i am telling you....super glue works great for cracked feet too. just sayin'. :)



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