Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dog for a day . . . and more

A couple of weeks ago, we decided it was time to get another pet (our bunny went to Heaven about a year ago). We have been thinking about it for awhile, visiting the animal shelter, and always leaving empty-handed. We could not decided between a dog or a cat. (Though I must say I am by far a dwarf bunny person!)

Anyhow, we had located a dog that we were interested in listed on-line. We settled on a Border Collie/Australian Shepherd mix. We were interested in the breed because they are very smart and can be trained to do a lot of neat things (such as crazy frisbee tricks). They can also handle good long runs -- something I needed from a dog. One of the things I was a bit concerned about was the fact that the dog is a "herding dog". You know, like the sheep-dogs, in the movie Babe. Well, in some of the research I did it said the dogs may try to "herd" children, too. I thought that would be silly, but not too much a problem. So, we went to pick up one of the puppies, and this was the one we choose . . .
(For family members, any guesses why? Yeah, Sage-doggie look-a-like you're right! ) ;-) wink! The kids would not think of picking one of the other puppies available.

We named him Jack, as in, Captain Jack Sparrow -- meant to be our William Turner's best friend. :-) My hope was that Jack would be a puppy-friend to William, who is home without siblings during the day.

Jack was actually a really terrific puppy. He would go outside for the potty and whimper at the door if he had to go. He was calm if we were calm, and excited if we were excited. But the trouble was . . . my kids were/are ALWAYS excited. Jack LOVED running around chasing the kids (he thought they always wanted to play), but William started freaking out when Jack would jump up in his face, or nip at his loose clothes. I could see the "herding-dog" instinct was strong with Jack (see picture below of Jack herding William). It was hilarious to me, but not to William. :-) Lots of shrieks. I did more research and discovered you have to teach the kids to stand still and then clap and say a loud, "NO!" (The standing still was key, it meant herding was complete). I taught William to do it, and it was also hilarious to watch! But not a realistic thing for a 3 year-old to have to do -- ALL the time!
Jack was really good, though he was sad at night (lonely) and Charles (the sensitive soul that he is) actually slept on the floor of the laundry room, and Jack was happy. Things were fine and fun (besides Charles' new sleeping accommodations). Then, Sunday night came, we were putting the kids to bed, and Charles and I both got a sinking feeling in our guts -- out of the blue. It would not go away.

We talked for awhile and realized that though Jack was fun, we both had added a new unnecessary level of anxiety at a time in our lives when we need to keep all extra-anxiety at bay. (We are getting a new business off the ground.) As soon as we decided to take Jack back, we both felt instant relief from a very real, deep, uneasy feeling in our guts. (We know by now to listen to that "feeling".) We took Jack back to his family (mom, dad, puppies) and the family who owned the dogs were understanding and nice to deal with. I actually cried as I watched Charles take our puppy back. In a very short amount of time, I had begun to love that puppy. There were many tears from the kids, but once the house was "back to normal" they all felt relief, too. (They were spending a lot of time on top of the furniture worried that Jack would jump on/herd them.) So, we had a puppy for a few days, and we are "cured" of our furry-animal need -- for now! ;-)

Just some random things . . .

The kids have been pulling together their costumes for Halloween, deciding to use costumes from years past. (Good with me!) We have Hermione, Jack Sparrow, and Peter Pan. :-) Daniel is especially into it this year, he has been working on his Jack Sparrow expressions, and his walk. William has been practicing his flying. Sammi has been mastering her spells. :-)

Sometimes we go to Charles' office with him on Saturdays, so he can get some things done. It is so nice to have an inviting place to go. The kids can watch movies on the laptop and play with toys he has for client's children -- while I help Charles with whatever needs to be done. He is so happy being his own boss, he has a great bounce in his step! Chipper-Charles, for sure! Whistling while he works!
Daniel has been really into costumes and acting lately. When my parents were visiting they took us to a few shows at the Starlight theater, one of them was The Wizard of Oz. Daniel made his own tin-man costume (love the hat and axe) and I found him in bed, still dressed in costume, holding The Wizard of Oz book -- it was classic, had to take a picture. :-) Cute boy.

I only have the internet at night (except for weekends), Charles has to take it to work. As soon as I am a daily-user again, I will post more frequently! I do miss it! I especially love posting during the holiday season!

It is my favorite time of the year (Fall to Winter) -- LOVE it!
Happy Autumn!

1 comment:

  1. love that the office is a family affair!! no soliciting.... but children welcome. ;)



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