Monday, February 1, 2010


I find, lately, that I have been very emotional, and reflective. Perhaps it is because that magical age of 30 -- the age that when I was a child seemed so "old" -- has finally come to me. I have been allowed 30 years on this beautiful earth. They have been good years, happy years, and I am grateful for them, and for the kindness that God has shown to me throughout my life, this far.

I find that I am a girl of deep feeling, and intense emotions. I do not consider myself "emotional" in a bad way, rather emotional in a very good way. I feel deeply . . . even from the very simple things in life. (I think I get this from my Dad.) A song, an image, the right breeze sweeping across my face -- they can all take me to a place of pondering, peace, and especially gratitude. It is often a place which involves tears streaming down my face. I had one such "emotional moment" just last night. . .

Charles chose to watch Fiddler on the Roof -- it is one of his favorites. (Mine, too.) This film meant little to me when I was younger, I would get bored and walk away -- much like my children did. But now, now that I "get" it -- it is powerful. Very powerful.

One such emotional, tear-jerking moment is (of course) the song Sunrise, Sunset (I know I have blogged about this before, but it has been awhile). Last night as I watched, I felt it, all of it. I considered my life, my parents, my children . . . I realized how quickly my babies are growing, and how quickly time is slipping by . . .

Sammi will be 9 this year. If she gets married when I did (at 19) that is (obviously) only 10 more years from now . . . . I have been married for 10 years, and it seems like nothing, no time at all. Time is beginning to disappear as I blink. So, yes, this song, it got to me, again . . . along with all the other wonderful, powerful music.

I thought I would post a few of the songs that made me cry. I could not find good video of some of the others. It obviously does not mean as much if you do not know the story, or have not seen the movie. If you have not seen this movie in awhile, or if you have never seen it at all -- I encourage you to watch it, and bring the tissues!


  1. Welcome to the 30 and over club! It's not a milestone or any other sort of marker....just another number that proves we deserve the wisdom we've gained. :)

  2. Happy Birthday Mari! I hope it is wonderful.:)

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I can't believe you're so old! hee hee

  4. You FINALLY turned 30? Happy Birthday!!



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...