Tuesday, November 10, 2009

No Meat?

On Saturday, we went to Costco (I LOVE Costco!) We were looking around for something different to try for Sunday dinner. We came across a big hunk of lamb -- which Charles really wanted to try -- so (of course) we got it. We did not really know what to do with it, but Charles found a good recipe and made it taste yummy. We had a TON of lamb left over and so on Monday night, Charles had an even better idea -- he made Gyros. They were amazing . . . I had never had one before -- YUM!! (Ours were just like the picture below.) Even the kids liked them! 

So, of course, at the dinner table, the joke was . . . (see video)
(My Big Fat Greek Wedding is not my favorite movie -- but I do like it.) :-) This is one of my favorite lines . . .

That lady cracks me up. :-) Lamb is GOOD stuff. If you are looking for something different for dinner -- give Gyros a try! (You can find a million recipes on-line!) I feel exactly like that lady -- You gotta have meat! (sparingly, of course!) ;-) wink!


  1. It's been forever since I've had lamb. We used to have sheep growing up and would have them butchered and eat them. I think, because they were our own, I wasn't a big fan. I'll have to try some again. I raised sheep for 4-H and was always sad to auction them off at the fair knowing they would soon be on someones dinner plate. So tragic!:)

  2. too funny.
    Ray and I love gyros too. Keep up on the good cooking Charles.
    hugs, Kary

  3. where's the mint jelly?!?!? that stuff creeps me out....the jelly i mean....come to think of it, the lamb does too sort of.



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