Monday, November 23, 2009

Date Day

Saturday was great! We went out from 1:45-7:30 with some of our good friends, the Holdens. We got the best baby-sitters (twins) to watch our combined 5 kids, and off we went! Where did we go? Well . . . New Moon -- of course! Charles and Ryan wanted to go so badly, so Erin and I had to be dragged along. ;-) 

It was such a fun time. The theater was full of raging female hormones. There was a vast age group, with some much too young girls, and also some men -- who seemed a little too excited to be there! What struck me the most was the smell. I have never been in a theater that smelled like a botanical garden. So many different floral smells -- it was a bit overwhelming. I guess the flower-coated girls were hoping Edward would jump off the screen and find them? 

It was awesome to be there with so much enthusiasm. People were excited. Girls (and men) were screaming and "Wo-Hooing", and gasping. It was great. We experienced a similar enthusiasm-currant when we saw The Lord of the Rings (Two Towers) on opening night at midnight. It is so fun to be with people who are excited! Of course, most of the excitement was caused by Jacob . . . not Edward. As it should be, in my opinion. :-) But of course, I married a "Jacob" -- so I am biased. 

I was a late-bloomer, as far as Twilight goes. I saw the books on "everyone's" blog, and I thought -- how silly! (I normally avoid band-wagons.) But last Christmas they were put within my grasp (thanks to my niece, Katie, who gave the book to my mom to read). Charles grabbed it first, and he was up all night Christmas Eve reading (and I mean ALL night). He tore through the first one, and off we went to buy the set. I saw the Twilight movie before I read the book, but after the movie, I wanted to know more . . . and the reading began. :-) It was great. I just re-read them recently, and they were even better. It is an easy-read, but it is fun. And on occasion, extremely clever. I think it can be as simple, or as "deep" as you want it to be. I personally enjoy the parable of restraint against overwhelming temptation. (I have a chocolate addiction.) However, I doubt the teeny-bopper girls care as much about addiction-restraint, as they do the perfect, flawless, glorious, immortal, Edward.

Anyhow, so the movie, New Moon, was great. I really enjoyed it. It was WAY better than the first one (which was lame compared to the book). New Moon stayed close to the book, and I think they did a better job with the appearance of the vampires (except for at the end, one of the Volturi was ALL wrong!) As for the werewolves . . . :-) Well done Jacob! Wow! Oh . . . and Bella, well, she wasn't intolerable (like she was in the first movie). She must have had some acting lessons, or something. Edward, (who does not have a ton of screen time) is fair (and I do mean fair!) He pales in comparison to Jacob though (and I do mean pale!) I mean, wow, Jacob kind of blew Edward away, almost too much . . . it makes you question Edward's greatness. Perhaps they should have thrown Edward in the gym, too! 

Anyhow, I am going on and on . . . it is the talk of the town around here. I asked my laurels if they had read the books, seen the movie (the first one) and they ALL have. I thought it was pretty funny. 

As for the movie review . . . it is pretty darn clean. I was glad of that. It seems they will have to keep it tame, to keep the young audience. There was one part (for me) that I did not like. It lasted 1 second, and was the equivalent to some Harry Potter Voldemort scenes. Also, in comparison, the beginning of The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, the first few scenes with changing Gollum (Though, the Gollum scene is probably, no, definitely, worse.) Besides that 1 second (truly it was that long) everything else was pretty good. No icky love scenes or anything (thank goodness!) some smooching, of course, but nothing Aragron wouldn't do, or Harry Potter, for that matter! :-) 

It was a good movie . . . go and see it (if you are planning to) soon, so you catch all the excitement -- it was really the best part! :-) 


  1. From Mom:

    Thanks for the review. Sounds like it is suitable for Grandma.

    Counting the days until we see you guys. Can't wait!!!

  2. We saw it a week after it came out. (By "we" I mean Jeromy and I!) I agree, Edward could have used a little gym time! I really liked the movie--I want to see it again. I love the first one, too, though.



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