Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Poor little Pumpkin . . .

It is Halloween night, and I am home -- with William. Charles took the other kids out to Trunk-or-Treat and some neighborhoods, too. Poor William woke-up last night coughing and he was sporting a fever a few days ago. So, he (and I) had to miss out on all the Halloween fun. Luckily, (for him) he does not really know what he is missing. :-)

So, while William was coughing and having a rough night (in my bed) it made me think about my last post -- the one about not thinking about the "deep cosmos"anymore. Well, as I was thinking (like I was really going to stop!) it came to my mind, something I already knew, but once again was thrust forefront in my mind -- Family and children are the answer to all my deep cosmic thoughts. There is nothing greater, more important, or more eternal, than families. Of course, I know that. But at different times in life, and as the children grow and become "real" little people, my perspective changes, and my understanding deepens. How I truly love my little family. 

A little sickness can change perspective -- really quickly. William suddenly became so fragile, and weak and it made me realize (again) how much I love each one of my children and how precious their little lives are. William has been a little ball of joy, and the fear of him being taken by illness (which was never really a fear as it is now because of Swine Flu, etc.) was overwhelming to me. I was ready to run him straight to the emergency room . . . but instead we opted for a blessing, and he was able to sleep. We are keeping a close eye on him . . . hopefully, he will heal quickly! 

I took some pictures of William the other day, and it amazed me how fast he has grown into a little man. I love him so much. He adds so much to our family. What joy each child brings. 

Happy Halloween to all! Maybe I will be able to make it out next year! More Halloween pictures to come after trick-or-treating! 

1 comment:

  1. Very well said, Mari! I can't believe how much little William has grown! He is a little person now!



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