Thursday, September 24, 2009

The House of Harry

Our house has been all about Harry Potter, lately. The kids really enjoyed the movies (the first three -- they are NOT ready for the rest!) They have been beyond obsessed, but it is so cute to watch them use their imaginations! Grandpa and Grandma have been spoiling us with the books, and costumes for the kids. The kids have been practicing their wand-duels, and it has been cracking me up! William joins in, too. Sammi already finished book one, and she is on to book two. Daniel just started book one two days ago, and he LOVES it! Charles is on book four and I am going backwards starting with book seven! :-) It is actually REALLY good, so far. So, we all gather in the living room, grab our books and read away! It is the perfect way to get ready for Halloween! October 1st is almost here -- time to decorate!

I will post more pictures, and perhaps video of the duels (if I can get it) later when they are awake! This is how I found them last night . . . I had to take the robes off, so they did not get too hot in the night, but they both put them on first thing in the morning. Sammi is going to be Hermione, and Daniel, (of course) wants to be Harry -- who else?



  1. Any suggestions about how we can "Harry up" Willy?


  2. That is awesome! I love the sleeping wizards=hahaha! I have never read the books. Michael loves them, and had a hard time watching the books be torn apart in the movies. I'm sure my boys would love to read the books. They too, are way too little for the last couple of movies-hahaha!



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...