Thursday, November 27, 2008

Let my Light's Shine!

We spent all of last Saturday decorating the outside of our home for the holidays. Charles climbed up on the roof and hung icicle lights, using those special clips and everything -- very tedious work. Anyhow, we finished, and it was beautiful. We have enjoyed the lights all week.

Last night, after I plugged the lights in, I noticed they were not working. I panicked! I could not imagine undoing everything we had done! I could not figure out what the problem was, all of the lights were out, not just a strand. I am not a lighting guru, but I checked everything I could think of. The outlet was working fine, the lights were not burned out, the extension cord was fine. I glanced at the directions, to see if the lights had something special about them, I found nothing. I was really very upset, lights aren't cheap, but more importantly, I did NOT want Charles to have to get back on the roof to take them all down.

So, I sat down for a moment and I thought. Then I thought, you know, I am going to pray about this. It is such a small silly thing, and I know Heavenly Father is probably frying much bigger fish -- especially it being near Thanksgiving and all -- but I prayed none the less. I knew if anyone knew what to do about Christmas lights, it would be Him. :-)

After I prayed, I sat for a moment and pondered. A voice as clear as day spoke to my mind and said, "Replace the fuse." I heard it, loud and clear. I have never known anything about Christmas light fuses. I know all about replacing lights, but not the fuse. It just so happened, when I had previously glanced at the instructions, I had seen a small picture of the fuse, but I did not think anything of it. So the picture was in my mind, and as I prayed the picture was retrieved, and I knew exactly what I needed to look for.

I quickly jumped into action. I went to the first strand of lights and I located the fuse. Sure enough, one of them was burnt out. I got out tweezers and went to work at taking the tiny fuse out and replacing it with a new one. (So glad we kept all those little extra light packets, which also contain a fuse! I just never knew what it was!) I then anxiously plugged the lights into the outlet and, MAGIC! It worked! They were the most beautiful lights I had ever seen!

I was really so grateful for that clearly and quickly answered prayer. I did everything I could to try and fix the problem, but I needed help to know exactly what I needed to do, I could not do it alone. I know that God hears us, no matter how small a request may be. I quickly shared the story with the kids so they too would know that God is a God of miracles!

Now my light's can shine! :-) They shine all the brighter for me!!!


  1. Mari,
    what an uplifting message about prayer. Thank you for sharing that w/ us. I am hoping to hang lights outside next week, so i will now know what to do if the fuse burns out.
    The inside of the house looks so sparkly. Mom has worked her magic all over. Stephen is helping me decorate a tree downstairs. The 9footer is upstairs and Grandmas went to town on that one. It has been so fun for her to celebrate Christmas this year. It makes me smile to see her joy at this time of year. She's truly like a kid at Christmas.
    I hope you have a Merry time w/ family.
    I'm glad you found your tree. That is so fun!


  2. Wow, I'm impressed! Even if I knew I was supposed to replace the fuse, I don't think I could figure out how to do it!



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