Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Standing for Something
This video is from the LDS.org Newsroom. I am a firm supporter of the sanctity of marriage, and I do believe that family, and family values are the "good" in this world -- worth fighting for. I appreciated how Elder Cook urges us to take a look into the future, and to consider how important moral values really are, and what the consequences will be -- if we do not stand for something.
We often hear the words tolerance, diversity, and acceptance. If we do not embrace the behaviors of others, then we are considered prejudice and narrow-minded. Is it possible to love the sinner and hate the sin? Yes, a resounding YES!! We are commanded to love all of God’s children, and that is exactly what we should do. But, to love them, does not mean to condone, accept, or encourage behavior that is wrong, or will lead to sin, and even potentially the degradation of our society.
The Family, A Proclamation to the World, states: Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.
The question is often brought up regarding nature vs. nurture. I have fairly strong opinions about the idea of people being born a certain way, or with certain inclinations -- without the ability to change, or practice self-control. When you consider what a same-gender attraction, or relationship is about, it has everything to do with personal satisfaction, gratification, and pleasure. Many people say that they cannot "help" feeling a certain way. Their desires are so strong, and so real. This is true, their desires are real. Some synonyms of “desire” are, covet, crave, want, and wish. Just as I have a great desire to eat chocolate all day, or some have a great urge, or desire, to steal, or lie, or hurt people -- it does not make those desires right, or good for us to act upon. Nor does it mean that those desires cannot be controlled. We all have temptations, things that we may have strong desires for, while on this Earth. Each one of us has weaknesses. It is part of the plan. It is also part of the plan to overcome these weaknesses and move forward -- with determination to do right.
I believe that the adversary seeks to find our weaknesses, to expose them, and to trap us. I believe in the case of same-gender attraction that he works extra hard to entice, to tempt, and then to capture. Why would such care and effort be made by the dark side? If same-gender attraction can be glamorized, accepted, and embraced -- then it is another win for him. It is a win because it is the perfect tool, the perfect trap, and the perfect weapon -- to fight against the sanctity of Family.
Prophet Spencer W. Kimball stated, in The Miracle of Forgiveness: But let us emphasize that right and wrong, righteousness and sin, are not dependent upon man's interpretations, conventions and attitudes. Social acceptance does not change the status of an act making wrong into right. If all people in the world were to accept homosexuality, as it seems to have been accepted in Sodom and Gomorrah, the practice would still be deep, dark sin.
Wait. What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? Oh, that’s right, it was destroyed! Yes, it also had to do with the great pride of the people. But all of the people in the city tolerated, condoned, and accepted their “diverse” lifestyles and actions. It was condoning sinful behavior, the acceptance and practice of sin – that lead to the great city’s demise.
Same-Gender attraction contradicts everything that the Plan of Salvation is about -- Marriage between a man and a woman, and family. Intimacy in marriage is sacred, and it is the way that eternal families are created. “Marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God . . . the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.” (Proclamation to the World). I know this is true.
Is there a way to explain why homosexuality is wrong, without discussing religion? I don’t believe there is. You can sift through the political aspects, but the reason that same-gender attraction is wrong is because God does exist! Spencer W. Kimball states: Those who would claim that the homosexual is a third sex and that there is nothing wrong in such associations can hardly believe in God or in his scriptures. If God did not exist, such an unnatural and improper practice might be viewed differently, but one could never justify it while accepting the Holy Scriptures.
I do accept the scriptures, and because I accept the scriptures, I also know that God lives. I am so grateful to know it. Knowing that God lives makes this highly controversial issue (same-gender attraction) fairly simple to understand. It is not as complicated as the voices of the “world” would make it. It is simple. Same-gender attraction exists. Same-gender attraction is wrong. People who participate in same-gender relationships/actions are not bad people. People who participate in same-gender relationships/actions are making bad choices, with widespread, even eternal consequences.
I am not narrow-minded or intolerant. I love all of God’s children, some more than others. I try to view the world with an eternal perspective. Every now and again I am allowed to see brief glimpses of Eternity. As a result, I know that God is real, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true, and that Families are central to Heavenly Father’s vast eternal plan. We must spread the good word of the Gospel. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of love, of Family. Family is ordained of God, and the sanctity of Family must be fought for and protected.
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Very eloquently stated. I can always count on you to stand up for families Mari--THANK YOU!!!
ReplyDeleteMari, very well stated. We had a lengthy discussion in sunday school about this very issue and it suprised me that some in the room questioned the "out of touch" stance the church takes on homosexuality. Thanks for being bold and stating the truth.
ReplyDeleteNicely done, Mari!
ReplyDeleteYou have a great gift of writing and proclaiming your beliefs and the gospel! It is a blessing for all of us who read your posts! Thank you for this one.
ReplyDeleteyou should consider running for VP....you know those Alaska gals have something going on. : )
Thanks for sharing your testimony of families. Now is the time to be bold and tell it how it is (with love and tolerance, of course)...just like you did.
We have to really assess where we're at. Do we follow the prophet or not? Just like the primary song says: "Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, follow the prophet, he knows the way." Notice "Follow the Prophet" was repeated three times in that chorus...why? So, perhaps our little one's would remember at an early age that He is the Lord's leader that will show us the way to stay safe and true. I am grateful for our prophet and for all the counsel we received at conference. We are so blessed to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Press forward!
love you Mari.