Thursday, October 30, 2008

I wanna be a Jedi!

Before we went to Disneyland, I had done a little research on the rides/attractions. One of the things I really wanted to do (for Daniel, of course) :-) was the Jedi Training Academy. I had seen the videos on YouTube, and I thought it would be fun! I also noticed while watching the videos that they would pick certain children to come up to the stage. They call up kids wearing bright colors, etc. Only few children were chosen, compared to the amount waiting to be picked.

So, knowing there would be hundreds of other children, I wanted to secure Daniel's future as a Jedi. :-) I made signs which we brought along with us that said, "I wanna be a Jedi, PLEASE!" also one that said, "I love Yoda." Anyhow, when we got there we secured our seats in the front and Daniel and Daddy were armed with their signs. I was keeping an eye on Dan, and I noticed a boy sitting next to him had taken one of his signs, he wanted to hold it. I quickly went over to him and said, "Sorry these signs are for Daniel" and I placed the signs back in Daniel's hands. I know, I was lame! I really do not know what came over me! The "Dark Side" I guess! Come to find out, that boy had been there three times trying to get picked! I felt so bad! I really did! Anyhow, the time came for the picking and the Jedi trainer said, "the boy with the signs." Hooray! It had worked! I could not have been more excited!

I believe dreams can come true. Sometimes, you have to make them come true!! It takes work! :-)

Charles and Dan getting ready for the frenzy!

Getting all suited up for Jedi Training

Daniel got to head for the stage to learn the way of the Force!

They young ones were taught the way of the Force, and how to be a Jedi. They were preparing to defeat the Dark Side.

Then the music played, and out came the Storm Troopers -- very cool!

Then the Darth Vader music began and up came Vader himself -- rising up from underground. Very awesome! He gave a little schpill about the Dark Side and joining him. The Jedi master said they would never join (of course) then Darth Vader said, "You underestimate the power of the Dark Side!" . . .

That is when the lovely Darth Mal comes flying out. Yikes! Luckily, Daniel was on the stage, which meant he got to fight Darth Vader. He does not like Darth Mal! He was really creepy!
Here is Daniel preparing to use the force, and his lightsaber skills . . .

He had been practicing at home. :-)
Darth Vader said, "Very impressive!"

Daniel walks away triumphant!
Charles looks on with great pleasure! :-)
It was so great! Daniel walked a little taller after becoming a Jedi Knight! :0) I was so happy for him!


  1. Neither of our kids got picked when we went, and we got there super early, too. Next time, we're dressing them in Star Wars shirts. I heard that helps, too. And we'll go more than once if we have to. I want James to get picked so bad! I would have done the same thing about the other boy holding my signs!

  2. Congratulations Danny, young padawan learner!! I am very impressed that you were able to defeat Darth Vader! Very cool time for you!!



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...