Monday, September 22, 2008

New Calling

The entire Young Women's Presidency was released on Sunday, and a new one was called. I am no longer the secretary (which I actually LOVED!) Now, I get to teach the Laurels! AWESOME! I am SO excited! I LOVE to teach, and the Laurels are the perfect age! We only have 3 girls in the class, much like when I was in YW -- but they are such great girls! Anyhow, I am totally thrilled with the new calling, and I actually love change, so it will be fun to get to know the newly called women! :-)


  1. You will be wonderful! Weren't you a Laurel just yesterday?!

  2. yippee Mari! Finally, your dream calling! Go get them! You will save souls. Testify, testify, testify! They will love you if they know you love them. I know you know that, but just a friendly reminder. I just taught a teacher training for RS tonight about teaching by the spirit and it was all about LOVINg your students first and the Spirit will come. I have a lot of quotes from the brethren if you're interested about how we should be teaching in the church.

    Also,, do you know that primary song: "Teacher, Do you love me?" I love that song. We sang it tonight at our training. Sing it w/ Sam and Dan and you will feel the power of that song, especially when you replace the word 'teacher' 'w/ 'mother.'

    love you.
    Keep praying for Ray to heal. It's a slow process and the drugs are wearying to him and me. : ) I want my hubby back.


  3. Cool! I have always wanted to be in YW.

  4. Congratulations, Mari! The Laurels in your ward are lucky to have you. I agree with Kary, if you love them, they will know it and the Spirit will be able to testify to them! I agree with Barb were a Laurel just the other day!



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