About 2 weeks ago we went to a local store that sells lawn products, pets, etc. We went in to find some things for our yard. While we were there we saw the cutest little bunnies. First let me say, I am not an animal person!! -- never have been. But when I saw these tiny bunnies -- I was actually tempted! Anyhow, we were able to walk away that day, without a bunny. We try not to make impulse-buying decisions. Especially for something that is living, and will live for over 7 years! I came home and did some research on-line about little dwarf bunnies, and I let some time pass. Well, today we decided to go take another "look" at the bunnies. Well, we looked, and after Charles held this particular little bunny, we were hooked! (Charles LOVES animals!) So, our little bunny friend has a new home! It is so funny! She has a little cage set up in the kids room, and we will let her out during the day for some bunnersize! It is so funny to watch her hop! She had a hard time at first on our hardwood floor, but she got the hang of it! The cool thing about these small bunnies is they can be litter-box trained (yes!) and they are hypo-allergenic. I NEVER would have thought I would ever bend to becoming an animal owner, but, well, these bunnies really got me! I am in awe of the bunny cuteness! They are very easy to take care of, which I am grateful for! (I know it will be me doing the real taking care-of.) Now for a name . . . Hmmmm . . . . .
Mom - I guess I will have to get one of the Young Women in my ward to be a bunny-sitter after all! Ha!
How cute!! You are much braver than I ever will be. I'll have as many dogs as I can care for, but I'm afraid of any other animal for a pet-haha! He is so cute!!!!