Friday, June 6, 2008

Visiting Friends from my Youth

Jennifer (Newman) and her youngest
Chris, Jennifer, and me. :-)
All the kids just hanging out together :-)

Enjoying the beautiful weather!
We spent Monday evening visiting with friends that we knew from Alaska. It was so good to see them! Our kids loved playing together. It has been about 15 years since we have seen each other! We were once in Young Womens together, and now we are all grown up with children of our own! It is so strange! Time sure does fly by!


  1. How fun!! It is so exciting to meet long lost friends! I just found Jennifer via facebook and it has been so much fun to get caught up! You all look so beautiful!!

    Lots of love!

  2. You both look just the same!



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...