Saturday, June 28, 2008

I am still here. . .

The pictures are actually from the last trip my sister took to Spokane. We did not take hardly any pictures while they were here! We ended up getting really sick, and you would not want to see pictures of that time! Blah!

It has been a fun and busy month! My sister's family and my parents were with us for over a week (which is why I have not posted.) I will write more about that later . . .

Now, we are moving! We bought a new house (just down the road from where we are now). So, I am sitting surrounded by piles of boxes, and random things -- all awaiting their place in a garage sale! I will write more as we settle down in about 2 weeks! We are very excited!

We are alive, happy, and well. :-)

Lots of love,


  1. WOW! Congratulations on the new house!!! I can not wait for that day to come for us!!! I'm so jealous of you right now-hahaha! Hope everything goes well and the short move goes smooth.

  2. I can't wait for more pictures! You really thew me with those. On the first one I thought, how can the kids sit on Kari like that with her huge baby belly??!??

    Congratulations on buying a house! I am so happy for you!

    Lots of love!

  3. Yay, how exciting! What a great time to buy a house!!

  4. That's awesome. Congratulations on buying a house! Isn't it fun to finally feel like you're settling somewhere?



It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...