We may look like everybody else . . .

It is all part of our Super-Hero plan! :-)

When we first pulled into the Antlers Hilton Hotel, I saw a whole bunch of people going in and out of the hotel dressed in fancy clothes -- looking ready to go out on the town, or to a dance, or something. All the ladies were in fancy dresses and all the men wore ties. I was wondering what kind of place it was that we were staying?! I didn't think it was suppose to be formal dress! Anyhow, I was saying things like, "Oh no! Look at them! They are all dressed up!" (I was dressed in my normal attire of jeans, t-shirt -- with a pony-tail as my hairstyle of choice. I did have make-up on, so that was a plus!) :-) Anyhow, Charles reassured me we would be fine. I was not so sure I believed him! I was feeling slightly (okay, REALLY) insecure about going inside the lobby with our motley crew, and then
Sammi said to me, "Don't worry Mommy, you look beautiful!" Yes! I have trained her well! Then I realized that
Sammi was right! I did look beautiful! Why? Because I am a Mommy! And Mommies are the most beautiful creatures in creation! That is of course, just my opinion, and the opinion of Heavenly Father. :-) So, whether I am in jeans or an evening gown (which I do not own), I will remember
Sammi's sweet and wise words and hold my head high!
This also reminded me of something Charles and I joke about often. Sometimes when we are out in public, we may not be considered the best-dressed or most flashy-looking people. If we do not make a great effort to be attractive, well, we are just not! So, when we go out looking scruffy or less than snazzy, we always say to each other, "Here we go again, we are undercover attractive people!" Yup, underneath our rough exterior we are really super-stars, in disguise. Charles pretends he is Harrison Ford, and me, well, Marilyn Monroe will do. :-)
I was also reminded of another disguise of mine. I almost forgot my true Super-Hero identity! I almost let mere mortals intimidate me, and make me feel inferior! For shame! I will not forget who I really am . . . :-)
When Doug and I were dating almost 30 years ago, we decided to make an old Neil Diamond song our own, "Forever in Blue Jeans". Yep, thats still us 30 years later and enjoying every minute of it!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sammi!
Awesome disguises!! I love your alter ego's!!
ReplyDeleteWhy do we let society make us feel like we are less? I have to ask myself that questions sometimes.
When we first moved here we really felt like the Clampetts! Here we were the hicks from Alaska living with all of these professional people. But you know what? IT doesn't matter. We are the Clampetts, but who cares??
Thanks for the reminder!!
LOTS of love!!