Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Daniel is the big 5 today! Hooray for Dan! He is SO excited about being 5. It means he is a real "big boy" now! :-) I sure love my Danny. I will put up more pictures after his party . . .

Danny's first birthday
Daniel at five years old (almost) :-)


  1. Grandma and grandpa sure love our Dan too!! Happy birthday to our official "big boy".

    Have a wonderful day. Remember, we get to celebrate again when we get home. I am so excited to see you all.

    PS we sure love your brother and sister too.
    Also a happy birthday to William tomorrow. We will be internet deprived again so save this piece of love for Willy for tomorrow.

    Grandma and Grandpa

  2. Happy birthday to Daniel and William!! I'm sorry Will has been sick.

    I'm still planning on posting pictures of when you guys were here. I stole a bunch of your pictures from your posts and saved them to my computer. Thanks! I ended up with so few pictures, I couldn't believe it. I could have sworn I'd taken more. Yesterday we played Apples to Apples with some friends, and guess who won? Jeromy, of course! And I had an early lead, too.

    Yesterday Julia discovered that Sammi left one of her princess slippers here! They're almost the same as Julia's. Actually, James discovered it and asked Julia why she had so many. Do you have the other one, or should we look for it? We'll mail it to you some time.

  3. Becky,
    That is SO funny! Don't worry, they have not even been missed!

    I need to go and get Apples to Apples. It is such a great game! I am telling you, Jeromy has it rigged!

    Hope you guys are doing great! We had SUCH a good time with you! Come visit us ANYTIME! :-)




It is time to move on . . . apparently there is a limit to how many images you can put on your blog, and over 6 years, I have reached the l...