Monday, March 3, 2008

Keep Moving Forward!

I just got back from running. I push Dan and Will and it is so great. One of my favorite things about running outside is the comments I get from others along the way. Here are some of the things they say . . .

"You go girl!"

"Nice work!"


"You can do it!"

"Good for you!"

"What a work-out!"

"You are so tough!"

My old favorite was, "Well done, Mom!" yelled from a man on a speed bike.

My new favorite was said just today. I ran past a man in an Army shirt, he saluted me and said, "Soldier!" I just waved and smiled -- through all my sweat. :-)

Were these comments given because of my great body? Because of my tight abs and rock hard legs? Ummm . . . . no, I don't think so! It is because I am obviously putting forth a great amount of effort to be out there, pushing my kids, though it looks (and is) hard and painful! Like the quote from the movie "Meet the Robinsons" you must "Keep moving forward!!" So I do!

After all of these up-beat comments, I always feel better, run harder and feel empowered. Remember anytime you see anyone making a great effort say, "Good JOB!!" It means the world to them! :-)


  1. Wow! You are such an inspiration to me! I am ready to go walk Fitzwilliam, by myself, no stroller to push, and I can't seem to get myself out the door! You go girl!!

    I am really going to make a better effort to comment on the efforts of those around me. Hearing how much the support of the man on the street has helped you really makes me think.

    I think that our society in general has turned somewhat inward and is leary of reaching out and connecting with strangers. We are busy rushing by each other on our way to something vital and don't take the time to give that smile, or that "atta boy" that is so meaningful. I am recommitting myself to reaching outside of myself and to do more. (I do still talk to people in the check out lines, which tends to embarrass my children.)

    Thanks for the insight!

    Lots of love!


  2. Those are great! When I go running, people usually try to splash me with their cars and yell odd things out their car windows as they drive by. It is so nice to hear words of encouragement as you are trying to finish anything important though. I can't wait to get out to run again....when the snow has melted a little more. Great job Mari! It's refreshing to hear about your bike rides and jogs!

  3. I am so impressed with your dedication to are an inspiration! I remember seeing you one day bring Sammi to school in the jogger with freezing temperatures outside.

  4. Lewis: I don't even know what I'm doing.
    Wilbur: Keep moving forward.
    Lewis: I mean, this stuff is way too advanced for me.
    Wilbur: Keep moving forward.
    Lewis: And what if I can't fix this, what are we going to do?
    Wilbur: Keep moving forward.
    Lewis: Why do you keep saying that? And don't just say keep moving forward!
    Wilbur: It's my dad's motto.
    Lewis: Why would his motto be keep moving forward?
    Wilbur: It's what he does.

    Not quite as good as my favorite quote from the movie though :)

    Lewis: Goob, I had no idea!
    Bowler Hat Guy: Shut up! And don't call me "Goob"! How many evil villians do you know that can pull off a name like "Goob"? Bleh!
    Lewis: Look, I'm sorry your life turned out so bad. But don't blame me you messed it up yourself. You just focused on the bad stuff when all you had to do was... let go of the past and keep moving forward...
    Bowler Hat Guy: Hmm, let's see... take responsiblity for my own life or blame you? Dingdingdingdingding! Blame you wins hands down!

  5. I'll never forget our running days together Mari.
    Remember when it was raining and we just kept going? Remember that I use to be in front of you when we'd run? : ) I always told myself that even though I was 10-12 yrs. older than my sisters, I would not let them beat me in a race (ie. heart run, women's run)...but, now.....I will have to work extra hard to catch up with you. I am thrilled that you have made the decision to press forward. Running kept me focused, balanced and at peace during some of the most challenging times of my life. My desire is still there...just have to get the strength back after being ill for so long. I am so grateful I can walk every day though at this point in my life. But, whenever I see a runner go by, I just want to join in. I am happy for them and I want to tell them how grateful they should be that they can bust a move and shake their bootie. Maybe I will. : )
    Press on sister and run like the wind. I'm proud of your efforts and think of you often as I push my double jogger w/ just Stephen in it. I'll be ready for the next little one to join in. Thank goodness Grandma will be here to help me push them up the hills (hint, hint Mom! ) You work it girl!


  6. John,
    We just bought "Meet the Robinsons" the other day and I have now seen it about 5 times! I just LOVE the little details in the movie. My favorite(of course)is the mind controlled frog!! "Master??" I love the theme "Keep Moving Foward" . . . it is either that, or turn into a bowler-hat guy! Ick!

    I often imagine you running in front of me -- it helps me keep going! Sometimes if I feel tired or discouraged I think about the man I saw in Spokane -- who ran with a prosthetic leg, the women with only one arm, and the old crooked lady who I saw everyday. These kind of people are so inspiring to me! I just hope someone might see me out there and think, "Dang! If that big-bootie girl can do it, so can I!" :-)

    You have always been very encouraging to me! I think it is just natural for you. So, if you reach out even more -- you will be bursting with sunshine! :-)

    Running is SO awesome! As soon as you can, grab those shoes and go for it! Spring is one of the best times to run! If people yell mean things at you, there is a special finger for that. ;-) wink!

    Those were good days. I have never enjoyed running as much as I did on the South Hill. It was a running paradise! I sure miss it! How is the weather there now? Is there still 10 feet of snow?? I long to return there someday . . .

    Lots of love to you ALL!
    Mari :-)



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