Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My New (and Old) Best Friend!

Back in the day, about 9 years ago, I was "on the hunt" with a husband as a target. Everyday I worked out with my very own personal trainer - Billy Blanks. OK, maybe I was not actually pursuing a husband, but I wanted to be ready when the light shown down from Heaven and the song from "Saturday's Warrior" started playing. ;-)

I have had a Billy Blanks Tae-Bo tape for over 10 years, and it is still a favorite! My most favorite form of exercise is running - I love to breath fresh air and thrust my body to new levels of speed and strength. Somedays, however, running is not a good option. It has been snowy and slippery and yucky outside. As a result, the sidewalks are covered in ice and chunks of hard snow - too nasty to run on. Normally, back in Spokane, I would run in the middle of the road. Here, I would get hit by a car! So, my back-up is Billy Blanks and his crew of kick-boxers. I LOVE it!

Back in the day my best friend Emily and I would do Tae-Bo together daily (a 55 minute advanced tape) in my parents basement. Sometimes, when we were feeling good we would do it twice a day! And that was after our Tae-Kwon-Do class! We were tough cookies! I remember feeling so GREAT!

I did that same Tae-Bo tape today. After the Christmas cookies, and not running for about two weeks (I was sick) Tae-Bo was HARD!! I remember I gave the tape to a friend once and after she tried it she had to go to the ER - she could not breath! I absolutely love the workout and I love taking my body to new heights of strength. At one point I was doing over 50 knuckle push-ups and breaking boards. I want to get there again! HEE-YA!

So, I am not a strong believer in New Year resolutions. I do believe in goals - and conquering them. I have a few new goals. One is to make Billy Blanks my new best friend. If I cannot run, I MUST do Tae-Bo. That is my goal. I find it a little difficult somedays, because I am still breast-feeding, and that makes things a little more "bouncy". I am excited to be done with that most glorious task soon, and then the real work can begin! (I love babies - not breast-feeding!)

Another goal is to eat. Yes, I will continue eating, but I want to try and eat only when I really, actually, truly, FEEL hungry. Like when your tummy starts to growl because it is time to eat. Not like, "Hmmmm . . . that cookie looks yummy, I'm hungry!" Then devouring it like cookie-monster. That is how I have felt lately. I blame it on breast-feeding, but it is honestly - lack of will-power. So, on to waiting for that hungry feeling, and suppressing my inner cookie-monster . . . wish me luck!

I hope you are all pursuing something of interest at this time. I think the whole world goes on a diet on January 1st and gives-up on January 2nd. I have worked my way back to health and fitness 4 times. Once as a teenager, after pregnancy one, after pregnancy two, and now after pregnancy 3 (in progress as it ALWAYS should be). My body is precious to me, and I love it - even the stretch marks! Now to start treating my body as well as I would treat anything that I love . . . a BIG hug to myself and off we go!!

Lots of love,
Mari ;-)


  1. watch out girlfriend!
    I was just telling one of my friends yesterday how strong you are.
    I hope Billy Banks (or is it Blanks? I'm drawing a 'blank' here) is available to be your best buddy. I hope Charles doesn't feel too much competition from the man in spandex. : ) Remember our "stretching and toning' class? Go Randy! Yikes! I thought I would die laughing every time he walked in with his bootie tight shorts on. Kept class exciting though.

    go bust a move, not a gut!
    you CAN do anything!

    hugs and punches,

  2. Actually, Charles will be joining me in his own spandex! :-) He loves Billy Blanks too! As much as you can love someone who makes you "feel the burn" and sweat profusely. Yup, Charles does Tae-bo. Remember doing Yoga in our little house in Spokane? That was SO funny!

    Of course I remember Randy, how could I forget? That was such a hilarious class. What a goober! I just remember he liked to " assist" members of the class by "spotting" them. I remember thinking, "get your hands off me slime-ball!" What a weirdo!

    Tae-Bo day two today!

    Lots of love!

  3. Way to go!! Tell Billy hello for me, it has been a long time since he and I have spent some time together!! I think Emily ganked my tape as I haven't even seen it in years!

    You're my inspiration!!

    (That could be a song!!) hee, hee!!

    Lots of love!


  4. Sounds like fun Mari. I have not given up on my diet yet. I am just getting started. I am trying the weight watchers points thing. I am also trying Pilates and maybe some yoga! Oh yeah.

  5. YOu are sooo funny! Love it! Good luck - YOU CAN DO IT!



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